Mustafa Karasu, a member of the KCK Executive Council, spoke about the fires in North Kurdistan, saying they had been deliberately provoked by the Turkish state.
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The guerrilla resistance, especially since April 2021, has gained a unique character of war, unlike other years. Guerrilla commanders described this as ‘the first time that such long-term resistances have developed in the same fighting position’.
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In the third and last part of this interview, Besê Hozat spoke in detail about the local elections held on 31 March as well as Turkish foreign policy and the need to increase the struggle for the environment.
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On 1 September, Peace World Day, millions of people around the world took to the streets to demand an end to the war.
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In the third part of this interview, Mustafa Karasu, member of the KCK Executive Council, spoke about the Iraq-Turkey agreement, the ongoing genocide practice against Kurdish people and the recent visit of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to Turkey.
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HPG guerrilla Orhan Lotos stated that the PKK's immortal commander Egîd saw the 14 July resistance in the Amed dungeon as an instruction and developed the 15 August Initiative on this basis.
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