Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

To the Press and Public!
1-    In the noon hours of 8 November, the ISIS gangs attempted to launch an operation in the areas of Cudale, Silo and Sikeniye/Sengal. Our guerrillas retaliated this attempt of the gangs straightaway. As a result, clashes occurred and a total of 8 ISIS gangs killed and 3 others wounded. Aftermath of the clashes, the gangs pulled back.
2-    The drones belong to the occupier Turkish state army carried out intensive search-flights on the borderline area of Sehit Rahime/Yuksekova/Hakkari, for the last two days. Also, it has been observed that the Drones also dropped devices with balloons on the area, as well. These search-flights have been increasingly continuing in our Medya Defence Areas (guerrilla areas) as well. Therefore;
-          On 8 November, in between 04:30 – 12:00 hours, the drones belong to the occupier Turkish state army carried out search-flights on our Region of Avasin/the Medya Defence Areas. Also, the drones carrying out intense search-flights on the borderline of our Region of Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas, for the last 3 days.
3-    On 7 November at 14:30 hour and 8 November at 12:00 hour, the occupier Turkish state army wanted to continue to build-up a Road for military purpose underneath the Hill of Maymun, on the borderline of Uludere/Sirnak. As a result, our guerrillas retaliated straightaway and as a result;
-          The occupier Turkish state army carried out bombardments, from the Hills of Maymun and Cete, on the areas of Sehit Kendal, Sehit Welat and Sehit Renas, on 7 November at 12:00 hour. And, on 8 November, in between 12:00 – 14:00 hours bombarded the general area. The occupier Turkish state army also time to time carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the areas of Dola Kuliya, Dola Sule, Boxaza PKK, The Hill of Sehit Deniz and The Hill of Hestiya as well, for the last 3 days. In retaliation to these bombardments, our guerrilla forces also time to time retaliating to these bombardments with heavy weaponry. 
The HPG Press Liaison Centre
9 November 2014