Guerrilla Xebat Hîmo from Rojava, who fought in many regions of the country and dedicated his life to the struggle for freedom, wrote his name in golden letters in history like thousands of heroes of Kurdistan.
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Kurdistan is such a country that every corner of its land is watered with the blood of thousands of Egîds. Those heroes add beauty to the beauty of Kurdistan.
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If we consider the reality of Kurdistan and the occupation, we understand why young people follow the path enlightened by Rêber Apo (Leader Abdullah Öcalan).
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Guerrilla Fuat Apocî, who put up historic resistance in many actions and was part of the epic resistance in Zap, became an example to all Kurdish youth with his self-sacrificing stance and struggle.
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With a deep consciousness and mastery of war, Jêhat assumed responsibility and participated in an action in Girê Hekarî Resistance Area on 13 January 2024. He fought until the last bullet and fell as a martyr.
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