Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-The military operation launched by the occupier Turkish state army on 22 October, in the area in between the districts of Savur/Mardin and Bismil/Amed have been pulled back on 26 October, with no result.
2-On 28 October at around 20:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out series of action against the enemy soldiers, who came out on the domain with two different wings, from the Kitir Military Station, in the district of Beytussebap/Sirnak. While our guerrillas taken the enemy hidden units under the control, carried out 5 different actions and effectively hit two enemy units. There have been also time to time clashes occurred in the area until 24:30, aftermath of the action. As a result, 15 enemy soldiers killed and number of wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish state army carried out bombardments with war-planes and cobra type helicopters, with no aim.
3-On 30 October at 12:00 hour, our guerrillas detained a vice-president and an employee of the Primary School, whome serves for the assimilation policies of the State, in the sub-district of Gire Mira, in the district of Nusaybin/Mardin. Our guerrillas also confiscated their vehicles as well. While the preliminary questioning of detainees was continuing, the occupier Turkish state army launched a partial military operation in the area.
4-On 30 October in between 16:30-18:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out a road control on a road in between the Villages of Cilin and Sute, in the district of Savur/Mardin. While our guerrillas controlled the I.D., also inform the people about latest developments.
5-On 30 October in between 17:00-18:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out a road control on a road in between the sub-district of Araban/Idil/Sirnak and the district of Nusaybin/Mardin. While our guerrillas controlled the I.D.s, also inform the people about latest developments. During the action, our guerrillas searched a suspicious vehicle, where they found 2 hand-pistols and both were confiscated. Also, 3 TIRs belong to the Turkish Petroleum Batman Branch, which works in collobaration with the occupier Turkish state army, have been burnt and destroyed by our guerrillas. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish army launched a partial military operation in the area.
6-On 30 October in between 06:00-07:30 hours, the occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the Village of Mambene, in the area of Oramar/Yuksekova/Hakkari.
7-The action we stated yesterday, carried out by our guerrillas on 28 October, 1 Kaleskinof type weapon belong to enemy has been confiscated by our guerrillas.
HPG Media and Communication Center
31. 10. 2012