Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

The Turkish army continues to be increasingly active on the border lines. In this context, the details of the actions of our forces against the developing military movements are as follows;

1. On April 4, at 10.00 am, an action was carried out with heavy weapons directed against the moving soldiers who were on the Leylek hill at the border of Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova) district. In addition, the Sikorsky helicopter setdown soldiers on the hill, and our forces have hit these soldiers with heavy weapons. In this action, the number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified.

2. The operation of the Tuekish army, which was launched on the territory of Çarçela in the border line of Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova) district, is ongoing. Within the scope of the operation, the Turkish army's Cobra type helicopters, with howitzers and mortars, bombarded the Martyr Rênas and Muhabere hills of Çarçela on April 3rd - April 4th.

3. On April 4th, between 08.30 and 10.00, the Turkish army's warplanes bombarded the Qesrokê region of ​​the Haftanin area of our Medya Defense Zones.

4. In the month of March, the matrydom of a group of our Guerrilla comrades were witnessed during the extensive operations carried out by the Turkish army in our Garzan region. Since we could not get detailed information from this area, our martyr comrades could not be clarified. Martyr Sterk Amed's funeral, whose identity information is clarified, was collected by our comrades' family and buried.

The ID information of our comrade who fell as martyr is as following;

Code Name: Sterk Laşer

Name Surname: Nilüfer Özden

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother - Father's Name: Ikram - Zeki

Martyrdom Date and Place: March 2017 / Bitlis

April 5, 2017

HPG Press Centre