Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On April 10, between 10.30- 11.00, our forces carried out an action targeting soldiers positioned on Koordine hill in Hakkari's Çukurca district. Containers, tents and positions were shot with heavy weapons. The number of soldiers killed or wounded here could not be clarified.

2. On April 10 at 13:00, our forces shot down the unmanned aerial vehicle of the Turkish army in the Deştan area of Hakkari's Çelê (Çukurca) District.

3. On April 7, at 12.00, the Turkish army had started an operation in Gırê Çolya area of Şırnak's Silopi district. During the clashes one of our comrades were martyred.

The ID information of our martyr comrades is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Tufan Botan

First-Last Name: Ramazan Abuzeytoğlu

Place of Birth: Şırnak

Mother's - Father's Name: Nuriye- Mustafa

Date and Place of Martyrdom: April 2, 2017 / Şırnak

April 11, 2017

HPG Press Centre