Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the second phase of the Martyr Bedran Gundikremo and Martyr Nalin Muş revolutionary campaign, our forces on November 2 at 16.30 hours carried out an action against a unit of the occupying Turkish army positioned in the Martyr Serhed zone in the Govende area of the Şemzinan (Şemdinli) district of Hakkari. While one position from the effectively struck positions was destroyed, two soldiers have been identified killed.

The occupying Turkish army on October 26 launched an operation in the Govende area with the support of disguised units. The operation was withdrawn from the area on November 2, between 16.30 and 23.50 hours with the support of unmanned aerial vehicles. Warplanes bombed the Govende area from 17.00 to 18.00 hours on the same day.

2. The occupying Turkish army had launched an operation in the Lexosor area of Amed’s Lice district on October 27. Conflicts have taken place between our forces and the enemy units within the operation. Our comrade Ferhat Kurtay who fought heroically against the enemy in these conflicts has reached martyrdom. The number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers in the action could not be determined.

The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Ferhat Kurtay

Name- Surname: Adnan Ural

Place of Birth: Van

Mother's- Father's Name: Hayriye - Mehmet

Date and Place of Martyrdom: October 27,  2017 / Amed

Ferhat – Adnan Ural

3. Following the heavy blows inflicted on the occupying Turkish army in our recent actions, the occupying army has carried out air attacks against the Medya Defense Zones on November 3. Within this scope;

Warplanes at 15.30 bombed the Hakkari hill in the Metina region and the Heft Tebax area in the Gare region, at 16.00 the Şkêfta Birindara area in the Zap region, at 18.30 the Martyr Xeyri and Sida area, and again from 14.00 to 19.00 the Gundê Filleha of Zap, from 18.00 to 19.30 the Geliyê Avaşin area of Avashin and the Tepê Hiva, Dola Şehida and Mavana village territory in the Qandil region.


November 4, 2017


HPG Press Centre