Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-On 22 August, our guerrillas carried out an action against the Kiwaxe military station/Idil/Mardin. As a result, 1 enemy soldier killed and 2 others wounded by our guerrillas. Aftermath of the action, enemy forces bombarded the surrounding area of the military station with obus and tanks. The corpses of killed and wounded enemy soldiers carried away by sikorsky type helicopters.
2-Our guerrillas control in the area in between the districts of Semdinli and Gever still continues. On 23 August, our guerrilas carried out different actions against enemy military stations in the centre of the district of Semdinli and its surrounding area, within the scope of Revolution Operation. The details of of actions carried on as follows;
On 23 August at around 20:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out actions by targeting enemy in the district of Semdinli. The First Wing of our guerrillas targeted the official building of the state representative, the houses of the Special operational police teams and the security points of military of these houses. As a result, 3 enemy positions destroyed and 9 members of Police special operation teams have been killed. The Second Wing of our guerrillas targeted the Semdinli Regiment and its security Hill. As a result, 1 Mortar position destroyed and 6 enemy soldiers killed. Also, there has been fire began both in the enemy Regiment and in the security hill of the Regiment. The Third Wing of our guerrillas targeted Road security chekh-pints of both police and military. During this action, 1 scorpian type vehicle destroyed and 6 enemy soldiers killed. And, the Fourth Wing of our guerrillas carried out Road and I.D. control on the Road of Semdinli-Yuksekova, nearby the Village of Sapata. Aftermath of these actions, enemy forces carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the Villages of Cele and Kare, and the Hill of Gumoke.
The number of losses reported during these actions by the Turkish Media do not reflet the reality at all.
During these actions in the Central district of Semdinli 2 of our comrades reached to martry.
The I.D. Details of our comrades martryd are as follow;
Code Name: Cemsid Amed
Real Name: Murat Capa
Name of Mother/Father: Nesrin/Sabah
Place of Birth: Cinar/Amed
Date and Place of Martry: 23 August 2012/Semzinan,Colemerg
Code Name: Akif Avrin
Real Name: Firuz Brukimadlu
Name of Mother/Father: Sara/Xasruf
Place of Birth: Xoy/East Kurdistan
Date and Place of Martry: 23 August 2012/Semzinan,Colemerg
On 23 August in between 06:00-18:30 hours, our guerrillas carried out 3 different action on the Gare Regiment. As a result of these three separate actions, 2 military vehicles have been damaged. The number of enemy killed and wounded couldn’t be able to clerified.
On 23 August at 12:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out action on the Hill of Gumoke/Semdinli central and as a result 1 enemy soldier killed.
On 23 August in between 21:00-23:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out action on the Semdinli Brigade Commandment, where all the military targets have been hit by our guerrillas. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified. Aftermath of this action, enemy forces carried out obus and mortar bombardments the surrounding area of the Brigade.
On 24 August at 05:00 hour, an action carried out against the security hill of the Semdinli enemy Regiment and as a result 6 enemy soldiers killed.
The occupier Turkish state army lost control of the area and carried out bombardments on many areas. On 23 August in between 10:00-11:00 and 22:00-23:00 hours, the war-planes belongs to the occupier Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments on the areas of the Valleys of Nirkola, Gare and the Hill of Genis. Again, enemy forces also carried out bombardments all day and night hours, with obus and mortars, on the Villages of Genis and Meleyan. As a result of these bombardments on the Villages, the gardens, trees and grape-yards belongs to the Villagers have been damaged.
The military operation launched on 18 August, by the occupier Turkish state army in the areas of the Hills of Geliye Doski, Glord and Ceta, have been pulled back in afternoon hours of 23 August.
3-On 23 August at around 09:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out an action by targeting a sikorsky type military helicopter belongs to enemy, which launched a military operation nearby the Hill of Ceta/Uludere/Sirnak. The helicopter couldn’t be able to drop the soldiers on the area and had leave the area.
4-On 23 August at around 20:50 hour, clashes occurred in between our guerrillas and enemy soldiers nearby the Village of Mixonde/Mazgirt/Dersim. While number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified, enemy military operation still continues in the area.
5-On 23 August in between 12:00-20:00 hours, the occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the area of Ciyaye Res and the Hill of Cigerxwin/Zap/Seladize/the Medya Defence Areas. As a result of these bombardments a bush-fire began in the area, which still continues.
HPG Media and Communication Center
24. 08. 2012