Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

To the Press and Public

1. On 18 September, at 06:00 hour in the morning, our guerrillas opened fire with heavy weaponry on the guard house belong to the ISIS gangs, near the township of Silo  on the main road of the Sengal-Til Hemis. Aftermath of the action, 3 vehicles which came for an intervention have been hit and damaged. As a result, here 4 gang members killed by our guerrilla forces.

2.On 17 September, at 10:00 hour, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation in the rural areas of the Villages of Pire, Hevre and Sebena, in the Region of Sason/Batman. The military operation pulled back at 15:00 hour, on the same day with no result. Again for the last few days, the occupier Turkish state army intensively deploying military to the districts of Lice and Hani/Amed, and the district of Silopi/Sirnak. Also, on 17 September, at 22:00 hour, two panzers belong to the occupier Turkish state army have been patrolling at the Village of Bulakbasi/Igdir and its surrounding areas.

3. Our guerrillas have been warning occupier authorities to stop a dam construction on the River of Botan, in between the districts of Pervari and Hizan/Siirt, which started sometimes ago. However, they continue to the construction despite the warnings. As a result, our guerrillas burnt and destroyed a work machine on the construction site, on 17 September, at 19:30 hour.

4. The occupier Turkish state army have been intensively carrying out search flights on the Region of Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas, since 14 September. Again, on 17 September in between 07:30 – 15:00 hours, occupier Turkish state army carried out search flights on the Region of Zap/the Medya Defence Areas.

The HPG Liaison Centre

18 September, 2014