Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On September 14, the occupying Turkish army launched an occupation operation in Cilo area of Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova) district. Within the second phase of the Martyr Bedran Gundikremo and Martyr Nalin Muş revolutionary campaign, our forces carried out a series of actions against the occupying Turkish army.

On September 21, at 14:30, four units of the operation heading to the area of the Dola Perixan from Qalê hill were put under surveillance by our forces. The enemy soldiers, who were put under surveillance for a long time, were struck intensively at close range at around 16:30 hours. Three enemy units which were hit effectively were totally destroyed. Thirteen enemy soldiers were killed in the action, and many enemy soldiers were wounded.

Following the action, the occupying forces bombarded the area with Cobra-type attack helicopters and carried out setdowns in the area with the Sikorsky-type helicopters on September 22 with the support of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), removing dead and wounded soldiers from the area.

On September 23, at 23:15, our forces carried out an action targeting a convoy of armored vehicles of the occupying Turkish army which was carrying out deployment to the area of operation. The convoy heading from Gever to the area of Oremar was targeted between Berdereş and Serangêl villages. In the enemy convoy which was struck, a Kirpi-type armored vehicle was destroyed. In the action, ten enemy soldiers were identified killed.

On September 23, our forces organized various actions against the occupying Turkish army in Hakkari's Şemzînan (Şemdinli), Gever (Yüksekova) and Çelê (Çukurca) districts.

A convoy belonging to the occupying Turkish army, which was heading from the Çelê district to the Hakkari centre, was targeted by our guerrillas in the Kanî Orê area at 20:30. In the action, the a Kirpi-type armored vehicle was totally destroyed. Ten enemy soldiers were identified killed here.

After the action, the occupying forces indiscriminately bombarded the area with heavy weapons and launched an operation in the area. The operation had to retreat without any results in the morning hours on September 24th.

On the same day, between 07:00 and 07:45, our forces carried out an action against the occupying forces deployed on the top of Elişêr hill in the Gever district. The number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers, which was taken under fire from two arms here, could not be determined.

Our forces carried out an action against the occupying Turkish army soldiers on the Şikêrê Spi and Tehta Selê hills of Şemzinan district around 07:30. On the Şkêrê Spi hill, two positions were destroyed, and a digger vehicle used for road construction on the Tata Selê hill was damaged. In the action, four enemy soldiers were killed and three enemy soldiers wounded.

After the action, the occupying forces bombarded the area with Cobra-type helicopters, howitzers and mortars.

At 8:30, our forces fired at enemy positions on the Martyr Rojerya hill near Koordine hill the Çelê district. As a result of the effective hits, a position on the hill was destroyed and three soldiers at the position were killed.

Our forces carried out an action targeting enemy soldiers working on the road in Şukê area of Gever district around 09:30. The number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers in the action could not be determined.

After the action, the occupying forces bombarded the area with howitzers and mortars.

2. On September 21, the occupying Turkish army launched a comprehensive operation with the participation of Cobra-type helicopters and of disguised units in Martyr Murat area of Demirakapı region of Agiri's (Ağrı) Bazid (Dogubeyazit) district.

Our forces responded to this operation within the scope of the Martyr Mahir, Martyr Eylem and Martyr Argeş revolutionary campaign and inflicted heavy blows on enemy forces.

On September 22, a disguised unit was put under surveillance for a long time in the area of Kirê Gundê Tirkmena, and this unit was encompassed by our forces around 17.30. Enemy soldiers were targeted as they tried to fly a drone for exploration purposes by our first guerrilla unit. Seven of these soldiers, who were hit at close range, were killed and three were wounded.

Another disguised unit which mobilized in order to intervene in our forces was hit by our forces. As a result of the action, two assassins of the enemy were killed and two assassins were wounded.

Our third guerrilla unit, positioned at a point dominating the enemy forces, has also targeted a group of six soldiers who were trying to escape in panic. All six soldiers that our forces hit with medium-range weapons were killed. After these effective actions of our forces, there was a short-lived conflict with enemy forces. In this conflict, two assassins of the enemy that could be detected were killed and one soldier was wounded.

In these actions, a total of 19 enemy soldiers were killed and 1 enemy soldier was wounded. Our forces which carried out these effective actions has been firmly established in the base areas.

Following the revolutionary operation, the occupying Turkish army carried away its dead and wounded soldiers from the area with Sikorsy-type helicopters which were transferred alongside cobra and UAVs. While a large part of the operation was withdrawn on September 23, some disguised troops still remain on the ground.

3. Within the scope of the Martyr Serdem and Martyr Nudem revolutionary campaign, our forces organized an action in Şırnak on September 23. In the action carried out against the military base between Şırnak and Avkamasiya, one enemy soldier was killed.

After the action, the occupying Turkish army bombed the area with howitzers and mortars, supported by UAVs. Our forces which carried out this action have securely reached their base areas.

4. In the evening of September 18, there was a brief clash between our forces and the occupying Turkish army troops operating in the area of ​​Veysel Karani in Siirt. After the conflict, in which the number of dead and wounded enemies could not be determined, our forces securely moved away from the area.

Enemy forces have expanded the operation in this area to include Zeyaret, Kox, Mizê and Siyanis villages. During the two-day operation, the occupying forces indiscriminately fired at the area with cobra helicopters and armored vehicles, causing a fire on the ground.

5. On September 14, our forces carried out an action against the occupying forces in the Kutudere outpost in the centre of Dersim. Four soldiers were killed in this action against enemy soldiers trying to arrange operations around the outpost.

- On September 20, our guerrillas closed the Dersim-Erzincan highway to traffic and carried out ID checks. At 12.00 the people gathered on the road were informed about the enemy's special war propaganda, and the propaganda lies were told one by one. Our forces have also destroyed a vehicle belonging to a private company found to have cooperated with the enemy.

After the action, the occupying Turkish army has closed this road to traffic for three days.

- The occupying Turkish army launched an operation in and around the Barav ridges of Dersim's Nazimiye district on the evening of September 23rd.

6. On September 15, the occupying Turkish army initiated a comprehensive operation between Hatay's Arsus, Belen and Serinyol districts. The operation, which was mostly withdrawn on September 19, continued in the form of reconnaissance and ambush activities of disguised units.

An action was organized by our forces against one of these disguised special units located in the village of Çerçikaya in the morning of September 23rd. Two enemy soldiers were killed in the action. Following the action, the enemy forces, which were transferred to the area with the aid of UAVs and armored vehicles, removed the dead and wounded soldiers from the area. The enemy forces indiscriminately fired at its surroundings until 15:00 hours after midday, and caused a fire on the ground.

7. On September 22, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the area of ​​Tuyê and Sêve village of Hakkari's Şemzinan district. The invading forces that burned the land in the operation retreated from the field during the night of September 23rd.

8. On September 23, between 21:30 and 22:00, the warplanes belonging to the occupying Turkish army bombed the Zengil hill and surroundings of Zêvka village in the Gare region from the Medya Defense Zones. As a result of the bombardment, a fire broke out in the area and the vineyards belonging to the locals were burned.

9. On September 23, between 17:00 and 18:00, the occupying Turkish army bombed the Navresa Herekol area with two attack-type helicopters.


September 24, 2017

HPG Press Centre