Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1- Our guerrillas carried out a fedaiin action on the Angul military station in the district of Lice/Amed, within the scope of The Martyrs Ronahi, Armanc and Harun Revolutionary Operation.
On 16 November at 05:45 hour, our guerrillas carried out a fedaiin action on the Angul (Duru) military station, in the district of Lice/Amed. The fedaiin action carried out while our guerrillas taken the military station under heavy fire with heavy and light weapons, a vehicle set up with 4 ton explosives have been exploded in front of the entrance of the military station. As a result of a severe explosion; while the front of the military station, a position of 10 soldiers, 1 Tank, 1 A4 heavy weapon position, ammunition store of the station, the containers around the station have been destroyed, and the main building as well as surrounding constructions have been left in flames, all the military positions of the military station, except 2 positions of the soldiers at the back of the station, also destroyed.
As it can be clarify, 36 enemy soldiers at the military station have been killed, and many others wounded.
Enemy forces have closed the main road to the cities of Amed and Bingol for the traffic until afternoon hours, and covered the damages of the military station with canvases to hide the damage on the military station. The occupier Turkish state army carried away the corpses of its killed and wounded soldiers with sikorski type helicopters, air-ambulances, 5 ambulances and civilian vehicles.
On the same day at 07:30 hour, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of Angul, Derkam, Huseynik, Panav, Derxus and Cinezor. As our guerrillas follow-up the operational enemy forces carried out an action against 2 enemy wings of soldiers in an area in between Derxus and Cinezor, at 09:30 hour. As a result 6 enemy soldiers killed, yet number of wounded soldiers couldn’t be clarified. Later, the occupier Turkish state army carried out bombardments on the area with cobra type helicopters, with no aim, after carried way the corpses of its killed and wounded soldiers vith sikorski type helicopters and civilian vehicles. The operation pulled back at 16:00 hour, under the air-support of cobra type helicopters.
2- On 15 November at 13:30 hour, our guerrillas hit 2 bulldozers working to build a road in the Straith of Sinaht/Uludere/Sirnak, for the occupier Turkish state army. As a result, 1 bulldozer destroyed and the other damaged.
3- On 15 November in between 22:00-22:30 hours, the war-planes belong to the occupier Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments on the area of Ciyaye Res, the Village of Betkare and the Valley of Zap River/Zap/the Medya Defense Areas.
HPG Media and Communication Center
17. 11. 2012