Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

To the Press and Public!

1. On 23 September, in between 21:00 – 22:00 hours, the gangs of DAIS attempted to carry out ambush in between the area of the Villages of Sinune and Digore/Sengal. Our guerrillas carried out an action against these gangs. As a result, 4 members of the DAIS gang killed and 4 others heavily wounded. Again, our guerrillas carried out a sabotage action on the same day at 21:30 hour, against the gangs of DAIS, on the road of Mehemed Res/the Village of Qandile/Sengal.

2. The movements of the Drone and war planes belong to the occupier Turkish state army have been intensively increased both on our guerrilla Regions of Medya Defence Areas and North Kurdistan.

Following these;

- The Drones carried out search flights on our Region of Xakurke/the Medya Defence Areas, from 22 September 18:00 hour to 24 September 05:00.

- The Drones have been carrying out search flights on our Region of Avasin/the Medya Defence Areas, since 22 September and it still continue. In mean time, the war planes also flew on the Region in between 20:00 – 21:00 hours.

- On 23 September, in between 19:30 – 20:00 hours, the drones carried out search flights on our Region of Zap/the Medya Defence Areas, and again Sikorsky type military helicopters also flew on the same Region as well.

- On 23 September, in between 19:30 – 00:30 hours, the Drones flew over our Region of Zap and, the war planes also flew over the same Region in between 20:30 – 21:30 hours, as well.

- On 23 September, in between 14:30 – 00:00 hours, the drones flew over our Region of Haftanin. In mean time, military deployment occurred on the borderline of Uludere and skorsky type military helicopters also were flying on the same area.

- On 23 September, in between 11:00 – 13:30 and 19:00 – 00:30 hours, the Drones and, in between 19:30 – 20:30 hours, the war planes flew over our Region of Gare/the Medya Defence Areas.

- On 23 September, in between 10:00 – 12:00 hours, the Drones carried out search flights on our Region of Metina/the Medya Defence Areas.

-  On 24 September, in between 00:00 – 01:00 hours, the drones carried out search flights on the Region in between the Districts of Savur and Mazidagi/Mardin.

- On 23 September, in between 15:00 – 16:00 hour, while the Drones flew over the State of Amed, the war-planes also flew on the Region of Sehit Brusk.

2. A group of contra-guerrilla, worn our guerrilla clothing, have been carrying out ambushes for the last one week, in the villages of Migrako and Kolosik, in the District of Haskoy/Mus. Again, the occupier Turkish state army have been carrying out intensive ambushes in the surrounding areas of the Villages of Berik, Kotmer, Mehyan and Tirmal/in the District of Gimgim/Mus. Again, there are intensive military deployments to the military stations in this Region.

3. The occupier Turkish state army have been carrying out intensive ambushes in the rural areas of the District of Piran/Amed, for the last few days. Again, on 23 September, intensive military deployment carried out to the Korxe military station.

4. The occupier Turkish state army carrying out intense military deployment to the Resadiye military station, in the District of Tatvan/Bitlis, since 23 September. Also, on 22 September, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation with 30 armoured military vehicles, in the Region of Ciyagevra/in the District of Xinis/Erzurum. The operation pulled back on the late hours of the same day, with no results.

The HPG Liaison Centre

24 September 2014