Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-On 29 August, the occupier forces of Turkish state army launched a military operation in the area of Sex Cuma/Bitlis. Second day of the enemy operation, 0n 30 August at 17:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against enemy. As a result of this, 1 position of enemy destroyed and at least 1 enemy soldier killed by our guerrillas. The enemy military operation still partially continues with new deployment of soldiers.
2-On 31 August, our guerrillas carried out two separate action against the Gare Regiment.
The first action carried out at 11:00 hour and while one conteynir in the Regiment destroyed, number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish state army carried out bo,bombardments on the Hill of Genis, the areas of Gare and Goste, with obus and mortars.
The second action against the Gare Regiment carried out at 17:00 hour, against a position, where 7 enemy soldiers positioned. As a result, while position destroyed, also all these 7 enemy soldiers killed as well. Aftermath of this second action, enemy forces carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the Hill of Konserve and the Valley of the River of Hacibeg.
3-On 31 August at around 12:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a cargo train carrying military materials, while passing through in between the Villages of Kawlik and Runexware, in the ditrict of Saray/Van. As a result, the cargo train divided in to two parts and 4 vagons have been destroyed. A great damaged occurred on the cargo train.
Aftermath of the action, the occupier military forces deployed to the area, including 4 Panzers and 3 scorpian type armoured military vehicles, also face upon an action by our guerrillas. As a result of this action occurred at 14:15 hour, 1 Panzer has been destroyed. While enemy soldiers killed and/or wounded within the Panzer couldn’t be able to clerified, 2 soldiers who were around the Panzer killed. Aftermath of the action, enemy forces carried away their corpses of killed and wounded soldiers with 5 sikorsky type helicopters. Enemy military operation in the area still continues.
4-On 31 August, our guerrillas carried out an action against a enemy military convoye carrying out a military operation in between the area of Gire and 49 Military stations. As a result, 1 hedgehog type armoured military vehicle destroyed. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified. In mean time, our guerrillas also carried out another action against the Gire Military station. As a result, 1 Nicon type binoculers destroyed. Yet, the number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clerified. Aftermath of these action, the enemy forces carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the area of Ciyaye Res, which still continues.
5-On 1 September at around 06:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against operational enemy forces, carrying out military operation for securing the exchanging of soldiers of the Military stations in the Region, in between the Villages of Ewina and Dengiza, in the ditrict of Savur/Mardin. As a result, while 1 Reo type military vehicle destroyed, number of killed and wounded enemy couldn’t be able to clerified.
6-An official of a Head of a district in the Kulp/Amed, who has been detained on 17 August, has been released by our guerrillas after his administrative and jurisprudence procedures ended.
HPG Media and Communication Center
01. 09. 2012