Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

In 5 actions carried out by our mobile units 8 invaders were punished and 1 Skorsky helicopter was damaged. The invading Turkish bombed the Resistance Areas 15 times with tactical nuclear bombs and chemical weapons, 23 times with attack helicopters, 13 times with warplanes, and dozens of times with howitzers, mortars and heavy weapons.

The details of the actions are as follows;

1. Within the scope of the Bazên Zagrosê Revolutionary Campaign in the Avaşîn region;

– On August 29, a digger vehicle belonging to the invaders n the Werxelê Resistance Area were hit and hit by our mobile units.

2. Within the scope of the Cenga Xabûrê Şehîd Savaş Maraş Revolutionary Campaign;

– On August 29, the invaders who wanted to advance towards the Şehîd Sîpan battle positions in the Girê Amediyê Resistance Area were put under control by our mobile units. Our forces carried out a comprehensive action against invaders at 08:00. First action arm hit the invaders with hand grenades and individual weapons and punished 3 invaders. Second arm of action punished 3 more invaders by shooting the invaders with individual weapons. The third arm of action is; struck the positions of the invaders with heavy weapons.

– On August 29, at 16:10, the invaders in the Girê Hakkarî Resistance Area were shot by our YJA Star mobile teams with an assassination tactic and 1 invader was punished.

– On August 29, at 21:10, the invaders in the Girê Cûdî Resistance Area were shot with an assassination tactic and 1 invader was punished.

– The Skorsky helicopter, which wanted to airdrop on the Girê Amediyê Resistance Area, was hit by our forces on the night of 29 August. After the effective hits of our forces, the Skorsky helicopter damaged and had to leave the area.

3. The attacks carried out by the invading Turkish army with tactical nuclear bombs and chemical weapons;

– On August 29, the battle positions in Girê Cûdî, Saca and Şikefta Birîndara Resistance Areas were bombed 15 times with tactical nuclear bombs and chemical weapons.

4. The attacks carried out by the invading Turkish army;

– On August 29, the invading Turkish army tried to demolish the battle positions and tunnels in the Werxelê Resistance Areas with scoops and crushing buckets.

– On August 29, Girê Amediye and Kurojahro Resistance Areas were bombed 23 times with attack helicopters.

– On August 29, drone activity was observed in the Girê FM Resistance Area.

– On August 29, the Girê Cûdî, Girê Hakkarî, Şehîd Adil, Sîda and Saca Resistance Areas were bombed 13 times with warplanes.

– On August 29 and 30, Girê FM, Şehîd Adil, Sîda and Saca Resistance Areas were bombed dozens of times with howitzers, mortars and heavy weapons.

5. The road work of KDP forces towards the Girê Amediyê Resistance Area to pave the way for the invasion continues. KDP forces and invading Turkish army forces ensure the safety of this road and act jointly.


August 30, 2022

HPG Press Centre