Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

A statement was made earlier on by our forces in relation to the action which was carried out against the fascist AKP police in Amed, Bağlar on 11 April. The whole details in relation to this action carried out by the 'Martyr Bager and Martyr Dirêj Revenge Team' which has been sent to our Central Command is as follows:

"An action was carried out at the base of a 5-storey building located in the Police Academy Campus in Amed/Bağlar, at 10:45 am on the 11th of the month, by detonating the explosives which were placed in a 90-meter tunnel previously dug by our unit. This building is the centre of the branches where Riot Unit, TEM (Anti-Terror Unit), Intelligence and Mobese (Mobile Electronic System Integration) records are collected. In front of the centre is a place where armoured vehicles are collected and repaired. 2 thousand 540 kg of explosives were laid into the base of this building. The information given by the enemy in the direction of "An explosion took place whilst in repair" is false. The tunnel goes to the base of the building under the repair shop, and the building is the second largest building in the area. Next to it is the main building, on the other side there are lodgings. The building we aimed together with the explosion was completely blown up.

According to the information we have received, 83 corpses were retrieved in body bags from the building where around 150-200 police officers are normally located in working hours, while 110 of the enemy were wounded. As a result of the action, 8 panzers, 10 Cobra vehicles, 4 Ural vehicles, 4 Ranger type vehicles, 6 TOMA vehicles, 2 diggers, 2 Doublo cars, 12 buses and dozens of police taxis were destroyed, and others in the compound were rendered unusable. While all the buildings of the enemy, especially the main buildings and lodgings, were damaged, it was observed that a large number of injured were removed from these buildings.

During the preparation phase of the action, the sensitivity needed to prevent damage to our civilian population was demonstrated at the highest level, and the amount and location of the explosives were adjusted accordingly and applied in a planned and measured manner.

This action was carried out by our 'Martyr Bager and Martyr Dirêj Vengeance Team' in memory of all our comrades that fell as martyr in Amed province and all those that have been martyred here in the recent process, and in response to the fascist enemy's policies of repression, atrocity and torture in prisons. Our team that conducted the action has returned to their base area securely without facing any negative situation.”

We also share the preparation photos of the action carried out by the Martyr Bager and Martyr Dirêj Revenge team with the public.

It is announced with respect.


HPG Press Centre