Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On September 15th,2016, A.B., who was working for the AKP government was punished by our guerrilla forces in Şemdinli.

This action is a warning to all Kurds who collaborates with AKP government. All our people who do not want to be the instruments of genocidal policies should separate themselves from the AKP. Those who participante of genocidal activities will be targeted by our guerrilla forces. Our guerrilla unit that took the action has reached the base securely. Turkish special war media does not reflect reality.

2.On September 15th, in the evening hours, occupier Turkish state army has launched a comprehensive operation in Meleyan, Demam, Tise and Deman villages linked to Şemdinli district. Further information about these operations will be announced later.

3-On September 15th at 14:30 hour, our forces were carried out an action against Korxe military station connected to the Lice district of Amed. The casualty of Turkish army in this action has not been clarified.


The HPG Liaison Centre