Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-Our guerrillas carried out series of actions in between Dersim and Erzincan within the scope of Martyrs Zilan, Celal and Aziz Revolutionary Operation. These are;
On 22 September in between 17:00-24:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out a road control in the area of Kirmizi Kopru, on the Road of Dersim-Erzincan. During the road control, 100 vehicles stopped and the I.D.s controlled and, the people informed by our guerrillas about latest developments. Also, 2 TIRs belong to a private company working in collaboration with the occupier Turkish state army have been burnt by our guerrillas.
Our guerrillas carried out extensive synchronous actions against the Yolcati military station and the check-point of the enemy soldiers from this military station, at the triangle of Dersim-Nazimiye-Pulumur. During the action, enemy soldiers present at the control point locked themselves inside 2 Panzers and 1 Scorpion type military vehicles and did not retaliated in the face of effective hits of our guerrillas. Also, 6 positions of enemy hit and destroyed together with enemy soldiers in it. As a total result, it has been eye witnessed that at least 10 enemy soldiers killed and 10 other wounded by our guerrillas.
In mean time, our guerrillas carried out another action on the Yolcati military station as well. While our guerrillas attacked on the security Hills of the military station in three different wings, the other 4 wings effectively hit the positions of the station. As a result of these effective hits it is unclear how many enemy soldiers killed and wounded. During the action, our guerrillas confiscated 1 automatic G3, 1 HK33, 1 night vision binocular and 1 Laser belong to enemy. Also, during the action, our guerrillas shoot the First Lieutenant, who was the Commander of the Yolcati Military station, as well.
Our guerrillas also carried an action against the upper positions of the Kutudere military station, in two different wings as well. The upper positions of enemy have been effectively hit by our soldiers, where number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify. Aftermath of the action, enemy forces carried away the corpses of the killed and wounded soldiers with 8 ambulances and many civilian vehicles. Aftermath of the action and this morning, the occupier Turkish state army intervened to the area with cobra type helicopters and bombarded the area, with no aim.
Our guerrilla set-up a control point on the Road of Dersim-Erzincan, where the area are still under the control of our guerrillas.
2-Our guerrillas carried out a series of actions in Bingol, Elazig and Amed within the scope of the Martyrs Ronahi, Armanc and Harun Revolutionary Operation. Those are;
On 21 September at around 06:30 hour, our guerrillas carried an action against the operational forces of the occupier Turkish state army, which launched a military operation in the areas of Sehit Serxwebun and Terkan / Ilicalar /Bingol, with more than 10 Thousand soldiers. Aftermath of the action a clash occurred for a short while. Number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify by our guerrillas during both action and clash. Aftermath, enemy forces carried out bombardments on the area with cobra type helicopters, with no aim.
Our guerrillas also carried out another action against a different wing of the operational enemy forces, at 09:30 hour. As a result, at least 1 Head of Village-guard and 1 enemy soldier killed. Aftermath of the action, while enemy forces intensively bombarded the area with cobra type helicopters, enemy operation extended to the areas of Besler, Sehit Kahraman, Sehit Rojger, Dallitepe, Gol, Axpik, Kamyun, Koz, The Strait of Cam and, Ozgur.
During the enemy military operation, while the areas have been intensively bombarded both on the air and land, our guerrillas carried out another action against a another wing of enemy soldiers, who wanted came down from the Hill of Sehit Felat, at 18:00 hour. As a result, at least 2 enemy soldiers killed by our guerrillas. Here, approximately 30 minutes of clashes occurred in between our guerrillas and enemy forces after an intervention made by nearby enemy unit. Number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers killed and wounded couldn’t be able to clarify as a result of clashes.
Enemy forces carried out bombardments many points of the area with cobra type type helicopters until 01:00 hour.
On 22 September at around 16:30 hour, our guerrillas hit and damaged a sikorski type helicopter on the Hillsides of Sehit Kahraman. The sikorski type helicopter got damaged and had to leave the area. Number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify.
Enemy pulled back most of its operational forces after the bombardments continued until 22 September at 19:00 hour. Yet, the hidden enemy units still continues their search and ambush activities in the area.
On 21 September at 17:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action by targeting a sikorski type helicopter, which was landing on a Berik Military station in the district of Aricak/Elazig. In mean time, enemy soldiers in the military station also have been attacked by our guerrillas. As a result, 1 enemy soldier killed and the sikorski type helicopter had to flew away from the area. Aftermath, enemy forces carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the surrounding area of the military station, with no aim.
On 22 September in between 16:00-19:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out a road control in between the area of Berik/Aricak/Elazig and Dicle/Amed. While our guerrillas control the I.D.s. also inform the people about latest developments.
3-Our guerrillas carried out an action against the operational forces of enemy, who launched a military operation in the area of Garisa, within the scope of the Martyrs Adil and Nuda Revolutionary Operation. The action has been carried out on 21 September at around 09:30 hour, in the area of Bilike. As a result, 2 enemy soldiers killed and 2 others wounded (1 professional sergeant and 1 village-guard).
While the occupier Turkish state army lost its control on the area in the face of Revolutionary Operation, launched a new military operation in the area of Geliye Setkare/Beytussebap/Sirnak, morning hours of 23 September. The occupier Turkish state army also carried out air-bombardments with war-planes and cobra type helicopters on the area of Kato Jirka/Beytussebap, on 23 September at 06:00 hour. Also, the cobra type helicopters also bombarded the Plateaus of Lalesin, on the same day in between 07:00-08:00 hours.
4-Our guerrillas’ routine road control still continues within the scope of their sovereignty on the Semdinli-Yuksekova-Cele/Hakkari line. On 22 September in between 06:00-12:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out a road control in the area of Geliye Doski, on the Road of Yuksekova-Oramar. While our guerrillas control the I.D.s, also inform the people about latest developments.
On 21 September in between 22:30-23:00 hours, a clash occurred in between our guerrillas and operational enemy forces, who launched a military operation on the Road of Hakkari-Cukurca. Number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify. Also, enemy forces carried out an intensive obus and mortar bombardment on the area. As a result of the clash, 1 of our comrade has been martyred. We will share the I.D. details of our martyred comrade with our people and the public as soon as the details clarify.
On 22 September in between 22:00-22:30 hours, the occupier Turkish state army carried out bombardments with cobra type helicopters on the Hill of Geper.
On 22 September in between 09:00-15:00 hours, the occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attacks on the Mnt. Carcela and, also bombarded with cobra type helicopters, on the same day in between 21:00-22:00 hours.
The occupier Turkish state army also continued its bombardments in the area of Cukurca, as well. Enemy forces have been carrying out obus and mortar bombardments on the area of Geliye Zap/Cukurca, since 21 September.
HPG Media and Communication Center
23. 09. 2012