Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

 Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Pîroz and Martyr Agirî Revolutionary Campaign, on October 2, at 07.10, our forces carried out an action against the invading Turkish army soldiers positioned on Lêlîkan hill of Sidakan in Southern Kurdistan.

The number of dead and wounded soldiers in the action, where enemy positions and shelters were put under intense fire, could not be clarified. Following the action, the invading forces indiscriminately bombed the surrounding areas with howitzers and mortars.

2. On October 1, an unmanned aerial vehicle of the invading Turkish army, which was carrying out an exploratory flight over the Garê region of the Medya Defence Zones, was targeted by our forces. As a result of this action, the unmanned aerial vehicle was damaged and forced to retreat from the area.

3. On August 16, the invading Turkish army launched a comprehensive operation in the Martyr Xebat area of Bingöl’s Adaklı district. In this operation, which was launched with the support of unmanned aerial vehicles, heavy conflicts took place between our forces and the occupying forces on August 17. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in these conflicts where many enemy soldiers were killed and wounded could not be determined. Our comrade Dicle and four of our heroic comrades under her command has reached martyrdom in the conflicts which took place. The ID information of our martyr comrades is as following;


Nom de Guerre: Dicle Zafer

Name - Surname: Raife Yılmaz

Place of Birth: Mardin

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Leman - Hasan

Date and Place of Martyrdom: August 17, 2018 / Bingöl


Nom de Guerre: Ferhat Rodî

Name - Surname: Saygı Aydın

Place of Birth: Muş

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Haylu - Said  

Date and Place of Martyrdom: August 17, 2018 / Bingöl


Nom de Guerre: Resît Çewlik

Name - Surname: Veysel Alparslan

Place of Birth: Bingöl

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Fevzi - Kemal

Date and Place of Martyrdom: August 17, 2018 / Bingöl


Nom de Guerre: Yona Dersim

Name - Surname: Erol Uluca

Place of Birth: Dersim

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Saime - Mustafa

Date and Place of Martyrdom: August 17, 2018 / Bingöl


Nom de Guerre: Zîn Xweza

Name - Surname: Suna Acu

Place of Birth: Şırnak

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Ayşe - Yusuf

Date and Place of Martyrdom: August 17, 2018 / Bingöl

4. The warplanes of the invading Turkish army have carried out air attacks against the Medya Defence Zones. Within this scope, on 29 and 30 September, and October 1, warplanes bombed the Deşta Kafya area in the Garê region between 16.00 and 17.00 hours. Again, on September 30, warplanes bombed the Hefttebax area in the Garê region at 16.30. Also on October 1, at 12.00, warplanes bombed the surroundings of the Avashin water.


October 2, 2018

HPG Press Centre