Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Revolutionary Victory Campaign launched in the general of the Serhat province, on August 14, at 16.30, our forces carried out an action against a unit of the invading Turkish army trying to position on the Tepê Reş territory in the Kızıl Kilise area of Kağızman district of Kars.

According to the information obtained, one soldier was killed and four others were wounded in the action.

2. In our statement dated August 17, 2018, we shared the information that our forces had carried out actions against the operation units of the invading Turkish army in the Kızıl Kilise area of Kağızman district of Kars on August 14, and that seven enemy soldiers were killed in these actions. We had also shared the information that our comrade Şervan, who fought heroically against the enemy units in the actions carried out, had reached martyrdom. The detailed ID information of our martyr comrade is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Şervan Şaho

Name - Surname: Rıdvan Yaşar

Place of Birth: Ağrı

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Hediye - Kutbettin

Date and Place of Martyrdom: August 14, 2018 / Kars

Şervan – Rıdvan Yaşar

3. The invading Turkish army’s warplanes have carried out air attacks against the Medya Defence Zones. Within this scope;

On August 23, around 10.00, warplanes bombed the surroundings of Lolan water and Şekif hill in the Xakurke region, and on August 24, at 01.00, warplanes bombed the Werxelê area in the Zap region.


August 24, 2018

HPG Press Centre