Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On January 3, the invading Turkish army launched an operation in the surroundings of Axuri Outpost in Iğdır with the support of disguised units.

A unit from the enemy soldiers out on operation were put under surveillance by our forces for a while and on January 4, around 02.00 am, our forces carried out an action against this unit. Our forces have also simultaneously targeted the positions located in the outpost compound. At least five enemy soldiers were identified killed in these effective actions carried out in close range, while our comrade Özgür Roni Serhat reached martyrdom heroically fighting against enemy forces during this action.

Following these actions, the invading Turkish army has attempted to intervene in the scene of action but was forced to retreat from the area after being inflicted heavy blows by our forces. The invading Turkish army has later carried away dead and wounded soldiers from the area with Sikorsky helicopters supported by attack helicopters.

The ID information of our martyr comrade will be shared with the public once it is clarified.

2. In our statement dated November 9, 2018, we published the information that the invading Turkish army had launched an extensive operation in Şırnak’s Cudi area between October 31 and November 3. We also announced that nine of our comrades had reached martyrdom in these conflicts during the operation. In addition to this, we have recently clarified the ID details of our comrade Karli Bager, who reached martyrdom when he detonated his bomb on himself in order to not fall captive after fighting against the enemy until his very last bullet in the conflicts of November 2.

The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Karli Bager

Name - Surname: Emine Onal

Place of Birth: Şırnak

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Leyla - Yusuf

Date and Place of Martyrdom: November 2, 2018 / Cudi      

Karli – Emine Onal                    


January 5, 2019

HPG Press Centre