Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. The occupying Turkish army's invasion operation launched against the Zap region of the Medya Defense Zones in June 16 continues along with the conflicts. Our forces carried out an action against the positions of the occupying Turkish army in the Qela Bêdewê area on June 20, 16.30 hours. Three soldiers have been identified killed in the action while another was wounded.

The same day, at 13.00, our forces carried out another action against enemy soldiers located on the Martyr Munzur hull. One soldier has been killed here after being hit in close range.

2. On June 22, our forces put under surveillance a disguised unit of the occupying Turkish army which was positioned on a hill between the Oruk and Köşk villages in Muş province. After following the enemy unit for some time, our forces carried out an action targeting the unit at 18.00 hours. Two of the enemy soldiers hit effectively in close range have been killed.

3. On June 22, between 00.00 and 00.40, cobra-type attack helicopters belonging to the occupying Turkish army indiscriminately bombed the slopes of the Hêgaderê hill in Bingöl's Genç district.

4. On June 21, at 14.40, the warplanes of the occupying Turkish army bombed the Cudi hill in the Zap region of the Medya Defense Zones. A fire has broken out as a result of the bombardment, to which our forces have intervened to put the fire out.

June 22, 2017

HPG Press Centre