Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Serdem and Martyr Nudem revolutionary campaign, on November 7, 19.00 hours, our forces carried out an action against an enemy unit trying to secure the security of the road between Şırnak and the village of Avkamasiya. Two contras have been killed as a result of the effective hits against the targeted tower.

2. The occupying Turkish army on November 1 launched an operation in the Mala Çalê, Cumatê, Şelıma villages in Amed's Farqin (Silvan) district and the Zılek village in Hazro district. The operation was withdrawn without results on November 3.

3. Our guerrilla forces encountering with a unit of the occupying Turkish army near the village of Qesrik in Bitlis province around 01.30 hours on November 4 has entered into conflict with the enemy. The number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers in the conflict could not be determined. Our comrade Bahoz, who heroically fought against enemy forces in this conflict, has reached martyrdom.

The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Bahoz Argeş

NAme- Surname: Nurettin Çeken

Place of Birth: Siirt

Mother's- Father's Name: Melehat - Kenan

Date and Place of Martyrdom: November 4, 2017 / Bitlis

Bahoz – Nurettin Çeken


November 8, 2017

HPG Press Centre