Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Pîroz and Martyr Agirî Revolutionary Campaign, our guerrilla forces carried out a sabotage action against a unit of the invading Turkish trying to deploy on Kurê Mizgeftê valley of Gelişim area in Hakkari's Şemzînan (Şemdinli) district on September 4.

In the action, one soldier was killed and two enemy soldiers were wounded.

2. On September 3, a conflict took place between one of our guerrilla units on duty and the enemy soldiers near Meybuka village in Hakkari’s Çelê (Çukurca) district. The number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be determined in the conflicts where many enemy soldiers were killed and wounded. Three of our guerillas who fought heroically against the enemy forces fell as a martyr after fighting until their very last bullets. The ID information of our martyrs are as following;

Nom de Guerre: Brusk Belatî

Name - Surname: Ömer Erdemir

Place of Birth: Hakkarî

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Hüzeyce - Sıddık

Date and Place of Martyrdom: September 3, 2018 / Hakkari

Brusk – Ömer Erdemir

Nom de Guerre: Destan Harput

Name - Surname: Muhammed Fatih Genç

Place of Birth: Eskişehir

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Hatice - Abdulaziz

Date and Place of Martyrdom: September 3, 2018 / Hakkari


Destan – Muhammed Fatih Genç

Nom de Guerre: Rizgar Serhildan

Name - Surname: Ceyhun Doğma

Place of Birth: Hakkari

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Gülsüm - Abdulcebbar

Date and Place of Martyrdom: September 3, 2018 / Hakkari

Rızgar – Ceyhun Doğma



September 7, 2018

HPG Press Centre