Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

 1. On February 26, at 18.20, our forces carried out an action against a convoy consisting of armoured vehicles moving on the E-5 highway near the Yolçatı zone in Hatay’s Hassa district. One panzer-type vehicle has been destroyed in this action where all the vehicles in the convoy were put under intense fire. The number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers in this action could not be determined.

On February 27, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the area. On the same day, around 14.30, conflicts took place between one of our guerrilla units and the occupying forces. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in these conflicts could not be determined. Our comrade Bedran, who fought heroically against enemy forces, reached martyrdom in these clashes. The operation in the area continues.

The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following; 

Nom de Guerre: Bedran Çekdar

Name - Surname: Hacı Aydın

Place of Birth: Bitlis

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Berivan - Sabri

Date and Place of Martyrdom: February 27, 2018 / Hatay

Bedran – Hacı Aydın 

Comrade Bedran Çekdar came to the world in a patriotic environment in Bitlis. Comrade Bedran has joined the guerrilla ranks against the concept of destruction carried out against our people and movement in the mountains and cities of Kurdistan. Comrade Bedran, who joined the struggle for a Free Kurdistan and Free Leader with great hope, has become an example to the comrades around him with his deep devotion to comradeship, and the people of Kurdistan.

In the face of his martyrdom, we express our condolences to the precious family of comrade Bedran, and we declare that we will reach our freedom struggle to success with the belief of victory. The most meaningful promise we will give to our martyrs is to keep their Apoist militant stance alive and be their followers.

 2. On February 28, warplanes belonging to the occupying Turkish army bombed the slopes of the Kanireş and Siro hills in the Şemzînan (Şemdinli) district of Hakkari.


March 2, 2018

HPG Press Centre