Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On 21 April, the Turkish army initiated an operation in the Kırê Elê and Kırê Farm territories in the area of ​​Glidağ in the Bazid (Dogubeyazit) district of Ağrı. The operation was withdrawn inconclusively on April 23rd.

2. On 24 April, between 10:30 and 10:50 hours, our forces with heavy weapons carried out an action against the Turkish army’s soldiers positioned in the areas of Elişêr, Martyr Karker, Martyr Zerdeşt and Sivri Hills on the border of Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova) district. In this action, the number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified.

3. Between 17:30 and 17:40 hours on 24 April, the Turkish army’s warplanes bombed Tepê Ortê hill in the Metina area of our Medya Defense Zones.

4. On April 25th, the Turkish army trying to legitimize its occupation in Kurdistan organized an intensive attack on the mountain of Shengal between the hours of 02:00 and 04:00 am. We have not had any losses in the bombardments against many positioning points, however a patriotic citizen from the region has lost his life.

April 25, 2017

HPG Press Centre