Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On September 11, at 10:30, our forces carried out actions simultaneously against the invading Turkish army soldiers positioned on Serbend and Vacip hills in Şırnak’s Qileban (Uludere) district.

The number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified in the action in which both enemy hills were put under intense fire. Following the action, the invading Turkish army bombed Xanthur, Partizan and Geliyê Pısaxa areas with howitzers and mortars. As a result of the bombardment, a fire broke out in the area and still continues.

2. In our statement dated 11 September 2018, we shared the information that our forces carried out a sabotage against a Cobra-type armored vehicle patrolling in the Dilucu area of Iğdır at 07.40 on September 11 and that the armored vehicle was completely destroyed. According to the latest information obtained, six enemy soldiers in the vehicle were killed.

3. In our statement dated 3 September 2018, we shared the information that on August 11, three of our comrades fell martyrs during the bombardment carried out by invading Turkish army in Piran area of Şırnak’s Uludere district. In the same bombardment, our comrades Şoreş fell a martyr.

The ID information of our comrade is as following:

Nom de Guerre: Şoreş Herekol

Name - Surname: Kemal Cengiz

Place of Birth: Siirt

Mother’s - Father’s Name:  Feride - Ahmet

Date and Place of Martyrdom: August 11, 2018 / Şırnak

Şoreş – Kemal Cengiz


September 12, 2018

HPG Press Centre