Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Bedran Gundikremo and Martyr Nalin Muş revolutionary campaigns, our forces carried out actions against the occupying Turkish army in Şemzinan (Şemdinli) district of Hakkari.

On July 3, at 08.00, our forces organized an action targeting contras who carried out road construction work on the Sivri hill of the Şemzinan district. As a result of the effective hits in close range, five contras were killed and another one was wounded. After the action, the occupying forces bombarded the action area with howitzers and mortars.

On the same day, at 14.00, our forces carried out an action targeting enemy soldiers trying to enter the area. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in this action could not be determined.

2. The invasion operation of the occupying Turkish army, which was launched on 16 June targeting the Zap region of the Medya Defense zones, still continues.

At 9:00 on July 3, our forces carried out a sabotage action against the Turkish army soldiers deployed on the martyr Botan hill. Three enemy soldiers have been identified killed in the action.

On July 3, at 11.40 and July 4, at 09.30, our forces carried out two different assassination actions against the enemy soldiers in Qela Bêdewê. Two enemy soldiers were killed in these actions.

On July 4, at 07:15, our forces targeted enemy positions on Martyr Xêry hill. An enemy position has been destroyed as a result of the effective hits and two enemy soldiers were killed. On the same day, at 09.00, our forces targeted the same hill for a second time. The number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers in this action could not be determined.

3. On July 2, at 2:00, our forces carried out an action against the hills where the occupying Turkish army were deployed and provided security for workers constructing the security road between Van and Şırnak. In this action, a dozer was destroyed, one contra was killed and one contra was wounded.

After the action, in the area heavy clashes have taken place between the occupying forces which launched an operation. The occupying forces which failed to go against our forces on the land have bombed the area with howitzer and mortar shells, and many armoured vehicles. In these clashes and bombardments, three of our comrades who fought heroically reached martyrdom.

4. On July 2, at 11.30, our forces carried out an action targeting enemy soldiers positioned on the Gırê Sêvo hill in Şırnak's Besta area. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in the action could not be clarified.

5. On July 2 during the night hours, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation led by contras in the area between the Tendürek mountain and Van's Çaldıran district. On the same day at 23.30, our forces carried out a sabotage action against a unit of the operation. Two contras have been identified killed in the action. After the action, the occupying Turkish army removed its dead and wounded from the area with sikorsy-type helicopters, bombarding the action area and surroundings with howitzer shells.

6. On June 30, at 09.15, our forces which encountered with the occupying Turkish army soliders near the villages of Heredan and Dırbê in Amed's Pıran (Dicle) district entered into conflict with the enemy. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in this conflict could not be clarified, while one of our guerrilla has reached martyrdom while fighting heroically against the enemy. The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Tekoşer Herekol

Name Surname: Ahmet Özgür

Place of Birth: Adana

Mother's - Father's Name: Behiye-Ahmet

Date and Place of Martyrdom:  June 30, 2017 / Amed

7. In our statement dated June 29, we shared the information that two of our comrades reached martyrdom after fighting heroically in the clashes which took place with the occupying Turkish army soldiers near the village of Îlê in Van's Başkale district on June 22.

The ID information of our martyr comrades is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Ömer Colemerg

Name Surname: Emrullah Yalçın

Place of Birth: Hakkari

Mother's - Father's Name: Narinç-Mahmut

Date and Place of Martyrdom:  June 22, 2017 / Van

Nom de Guerre: Şiyar Mazlum

Name Surname: Alişer Kuday

Place of Birth: Mardin

Mother's - Father's Name: Sabiha-Salih

Date and Place of Martyrdom:  June 22, 2017 / Van

8. Comrade Iskender who took part in the Kurdistan Freedom Struggle from Batman in 2009 became a comrade who showed prominent labor and self-sacrifice during his work. Like thousands of his comrades in the mountains of Kurdistan, he has fulfilled all the duties required to be a freedom fighter. Six years later, his comrades continue to struggle against the occupying forces in the Medya Defense Zones as a necessity of memorial commitment. Our patriotic people, especially the esteemed Eripek family, should know that we, as comrades walking in the light of philosophy of our Leader, are struggling to fulfill the promises we have made to our martyrs.

The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following;

Nom de Guerre: İkender Koçer

Name Surname: İsmet Eripek

Place of Birth: Batman

Mother's - Father's Name: Sabriye-Mehmet Nezir

Date and Place of Martyrdom:  2011 / Medya Defense Zones

June 4, 2017

HPG Press Centre