Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Battle of Heftanîn our guerrillas carried out actions in the area of Heftanin, where the Turkish army launched an invasion operation. In this scope;

On June 23, at 16.00, our guerrillas carried out a sabotage action against a unit of the invading Turkish army on Martyr Bêrîvan hill. Two soldiers were killed and two others were injured in the action.

On the morning of June 25th (today), our forces carried out an assassination action against soldiers in the Dupişk hill area. In the action, 1 enemy soldier was killed.

At seven o'clock this morning, our YJA-Star guerrillas targeted a group of enemy soldiers who were on their way from Martyr Bêrîvan hill to the Martyr Dersim hill area. Effective strikes at close range from three sides left ten soldiers dead. Guerrillas prevented the Turkish army from recovering the casualties from the scene for a long time.

Since yesterday evening, the Turkish occupying army has been bombing the Geliyê Pisaxa and Şeşdarê areas with howitzers, attack helicopters and fighter jets. This morning, fierce clashes broke out in Şeşdarê area between our forces and the occupying forces. Further information will be released once available.

2. Within the scope of the Martyr Bager and Martyr Ronya Revolutionary Campaign, our guerrillas carried out actions against the invading Turkish army. In this scope;

On June 22, at 12.00, our guerrilla forces carried out a sabotage action against a Turkish military vehicle on the road between the Xapuşkê and Silort outposts in Şemzînan (Şemdinli) district of Colemêrg (Hakkari). While the vehicle was completely destroyed, the number of dead and injured could not be clarified.

On June 23, at 06.00, our YJA Star guerrillas carried out an assassination action targeting enemy soldiers positioned on the Şikêr hill. In the action 1 enemy soldier was killed. Following the action, the area was bombarded by the invading Turkish army with howitzers, mortars and tanks.

3. Within the scope of the Martyr Rizgar Gever and Martyr Medya Mawa Revenge Campaign, our guerrillas carried out actions against the invading Turkish army. In this scope;

On June 15, at 21.00, our YJAS Star guerrillas carried out a sabotage action against a military convoy of armoured vehicles in the region of Mount Cûdî (Cudi) in Şırnex (Şırnak). The convoy was driving from Korsê Kiça area towards the Şırnak city center. One armored vehicle was completely destroyed, 13 soldiers killed here.

The people who are building a military road in Cudi region between the areas of Sefine and Dergulê have been warned several times by our forces so that they do not collaborate with the enemy. Against these counter-guerrillas, who did not heed our warnings, a punitive action took place on June 16. As a result of this action, four counter-guerrillas were punished. The Turkish occupying state presents these people as civilians and tries to cover up their collaboration against the people of Kurdistan, its nature and guerrilla.

Also, on June 16, four vehicles, an excavator and a transporter used in the construction of a military road leading to the Navsera Cûdî area were set on fire and destroyed. The people working there have been warned once again by our forces.

4. On the 15th of June in the Tendürek area of the Çaldıran district of Van, clashes erupted between our forces and the invading Turkish army soldiers. Many enemy soldiers were killed and injured in these clashes. Our 3 friends who fought heroically against the invaders fell a martyr in the clashes.

The ID information of our friends who have martyred are as follows:

Nom de Guerre: Fırat Dozger

Name - Surname: Metin Özer

Place of Birth: Ağrı

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Hacer - Mahmut

Date and Place of Martyrdom: June 15, 2020 / Tendürek

Fırat – Metin Özer

Nom de Guerre: Sımko Sorkew 

Name - Surname: Muhsin Arifzade 

Place of Birth: Banê

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Meryem - Mahmut

Date and Place of Martyrdom: June 15, 2020 / Tendürek

Sımko – Muhsin Arifzade

Nom de Guerre: Şervan Cudi

Name - Surname: Ferdi Yıldız

Place of Birth: Erzurum

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Nuriye - Ali

Date and Place of Martyrdom: June 15, 2020 / Tendürek

Şervan – Ferdi Yıldız

Our Hevals Firat, Simko and Şervan have joined the liberation struggle of Kurdistan at different times to defend the values of the Kurdish people against the colonialist forces. They fought heroically for this goal and fulfilled their tasks and responsibilities in the best possible way until their death in battle. Before they fell, they dealt heavy blows to the enemy. We express our condolences to their precious families and the patriotic people of Kurdistan and give our word to realize the ideals of the martyrs of a free future.

June 25, 2019

HPG Press Centre