Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On April 19, at 06.30, our forces carried out an action against the occupying Turkish army positioned on the Koordine hill near the Tepê Xwedê hill in the Barzan region within the territory of Southern Kurdistan. Seven enemy soldiers were identified killed in this action where the enemy’s positions and shelters on the hill were effectively hit.

On the same day, around 06.40 hours, our YJA Star forces carried out an action targeting the invading forces on the Bayrak hill in the Barzan region. Four enemy soldiers were identified killed in this action where the enemy soldiers were effectively hit.

2. Within the scope of the Revolutionary Victory Campaign launched in the Serhat Province, on April 17 at 14.00, our forces carried out an action against the army barracks of the Serêkani outpost in Bazid (Doğubeyazit) district of Ağrı province. The number of dead and wounded enemies in this action where the soldiers gathered here were put under fire could not be determined.

3. Within the scope of the Martyr Ozan and Martyr Roza Revolutionary Campaign launched in the Dersim region, on the evening of April 19 our forces seized and set to fire four trucks carrying materials for the construction of an outpost in the Martyr Dijwar area. Following the action, the drivers of these trucks were warned and then let free.

4. In our statement dated April 7, we shared with the public the information that the occupying Turkish army had launched an operation in the Rojdere area of Dersim province, that our forces had carried out actions against these invasion operations, and that three of our comrades had reached martyrdom in the conflicts with enemy forces. The ID information of our comrades who fought heroically against the enemy and reached martyrdom is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Delila Çewlik

Name - Surname: Zeynep Miran

Place of Birth: Bingöl

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Gülten - Orhan

Date and Place of Martyrdom: March 31, 2018 / Dersim

Delila – Zeynep Miran

Nom de Guerre: Hamza Karaz

Name - Surname: Hasan Baylan

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Kezban - Abdurrahman

Date and Place of Martyrdom: March 31, 2018 / Dersim

Hamza – Hasan Baylan

Nom de Guerre: Rozerin Hebun

Name - Surname: Rozerin Özer

Place of Birth: Muş

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Xezal - Orhan

Date and Place of Martyrdom: March 31, 2018 / Dersim

Rozerin – Rozerin Özer




April 20, 2018

HPG Press Centre