Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Piroz and Martyr Agirî Revolutionary Campaign, on March 17, our forces carried out an action against the invading Turkish army. Details of the actions are as following;

At 08.40, our guerrilla forces carried out an action against invading Turkish army soldiers positioned on Lêlîkan hill in the Bradost region of Sidekan in Southern Kurdistan. The number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified in the action where enemy positions and shelters were struck effectively.

Our YJA Star forces carried out an action against the invading Turkish army soldiers positioned on Xwedê hill in the Barzan region in the Southern Kurdistan at 09.30. In the action, a military vehicle and soldiers on the hill were targeted and four soldiers were killed while a Reo-type military vehicle was destroyed on the hill. Following the action, the invading Turkish army bombed the area with howitzers and mortars.

At 19.00 hours, our guerrilla forces carried out an action against the invading Turkish army soldiers positioned on Koordine hill in Hakkari’s Çelê (Çukurca) district. In the action where the positions and shelters on the hill were put under fire from 7 sides. Many enemy positions were destroyed and 4 soldiers were killed. Following the action, the invading Turkish army bombed the area with howitzers and mortars.

2. Within the Revolutionary Victory Campaign initiated in the Serhat province, our forces have carried out actions against the invading Turkish army. Details of the actions are as following;

On 28 July, our forces put under surveillance a convoy of intelligence officers on the road of Ağrı's Bazid (Doğubeyazıt) district and Iğdır province. On the same day, at 10.30, our forces carried out a sabotage action targeting an Amarog-type vehicle in the convoy. This vehicle was totally destroyed and five intelligence officers were killed. Our forces also hit vehicles in the convoy. As a result of the effective strikes, two soldiers were killed and one soldier was wounded. Following the action, the invading Turkish army carried away dead and wounded soldiers from the area with the support of UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and Cobra-type helicopters3. On the evening of August 14, our guerrilla forces carried out an action targeting a mine working with the invading Turkish state in Adıyaman province. After we warned all the workers who worked in the marble quarry, our forces destroyed by burning 13 vehicles and many houses in the quarry. After the action, sabotage action was organized with the help of our forces aimed at a cobra-type armored vehicle belonging to the invader forces coming to the scene to intervene. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in this action, in which the cobra-type vehicle was totally destroyed, could not be determined. After the actions taken by the occupying TC army, it launched a comprehensive operation in the field.

On the afternoon of August 16th, our forces carried out a second sabotage against the enemy troops in the operation. The number of dead and wounded soldiers has not been determined in this action, in which many enemy soldiers were killed. This operation, in which the occupiers suffered heavy blows, is still continuing.

3. On August 14, in the evening hours, our forces carried out an action against a marble quarry working with the invading Turkish army in the area of Kömür in central Adıyaman. After warning all the workers of the marble quarry, our forces have set on fire the 13 vehicles and many shelters located there. Our forces have carried out a sabotage action against the invading forces which arrived on the scene for intervention with a Cobra-type armoured vehicle. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in this action where the vehicle was completely destroyed could not be clarified. The invading Turkish army has launched an extensive operation in the area following actions. On August 16, in the afternoon, our forces carried out a second sabotage action against enemy units out on the operation. The number of dead wounded enemies could not be clarified. This operation, where the enemy has received heavy blows, still continues.

4. On August 5, the invading Turkish army launched an operation in the vicinity of Dallitepe village of Bingöl province with the support of unmanned aerial vehicles. On the morning of August 6, there were violent clashes between our forces and the enemy soldiers. After the conflicts, the invading Turkish army bombed the area with Cobra-type attack helicopters. Three of our comrades who have fought heroically against enemy forces in the conflicts in which many enemy soldiers were killed and wounded, fell martyrs.

The ID information of our martyrs are as following: 

Nom de Guerre: Delila Çiya

Name - Surname: Ceylan Buğan

Place of Birth: Kars

Mother’s – Father’s Name: Besra - Tayyar

Date and Place of Martyrdom: August 6, 2018 / Bingöl

Delila – Ceylan Buğan

Nom de Guerre: Dersim Peri

Name - Surname: Aydın Atar

Place of Birth: Bingöl

Mother’s – Father’s Name: Meryem - Ali

Date and Place of Martyrdom: August 6, 2018 / Bingöl 

Dersim – Aydın Atar

Nom de Guerre: Rojen Azad

Name - Surname: Pervin Diler

Place of Birth: Erzurum

Mother’s – Father’s Name: Sevim - Rufet

Date and Place of Martyrdom: August 6, 2018 / Bingöl

Rojen – Pervin Diler

 5. In our statement of August 17, 2018, we shared the information that conflicts had taken place between our guerrilla unit on duty in the Deştê area of Dersim's Nazimiye district and enemy soldiers, and that our comrade who fought heroically had reached martyrdom.

 The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Zagros Bahoz

Name - Surname: Ali Ete

Place of Birth: Mardin

Mother’s – Father’s Name: Bese - Mehmet

Date and Place of Martyrdom: August 18, 2018 / Dersim

Zagros – Ali Ete

6. On August 17, the warplanes of the invading Turkish army carried out air attacks against the Medya Defense Zones. Within this scope, warplanes bombed the Tepê Hiva, Savaş hill, Dola Zergelê and surroundings of Bokristan village from 11.00 to 12.00, and at 12.00 hours warplanes bombed the Bazê valley in the Metina region.


August 18, 2018

HPG Press Centre