Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

 Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Pîroz and Martyr Agirî Revolutionary Campaign, our guerrilla forces carried out actions against the invading Turkish army. The details of the actions are as following;

 The occupying Turkish army began carrying out road construction between Mergêzer and Şitazin in Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova) district. On July 8, at 03.30, Our forces carried out a sabotage action targeting work machines in the area. As a result of the action, 4 dozer vehicles and the fuel bulbs belonging to these vehicles were totally destroyed. After the action, the occupying Turkish army bombed Deriyê Cafer and Dola Orşê areas with Cobra-type attack helicopters and stopped the road construction.

 On July 8, at 8:30, our forces carried out an action against the occupying Turkish army positioned on Lêlîkan hill in the Bradost region of Sidakan in Southern Kurdistan. One enemy soldier was killed in the action.

 On the same day, at 19.45, our forces carried out an action against the invading Turkish army soldiers positioned on Girê Xwedê hill in Barzan, within the territory of Southern Kurdistan. Three enemy soldiers were killed in the action where enemy positions and shelters on the hill were put under intense fire. Following the action, the occupying Turkish army bombed the area indiscriminately.

2. On July 7, at 17.00 our forces carried out an action targeting Girê Şoxa outpost in Siirt's Pervari district. Six enemy soldiers were killed in the action where positions and shelters in the outpost were struck effectively. After the action, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the area and withdrew it without any results at 21.00 hours on the same day.


July 9, 2018

HPG Press Centre