Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On May 22 at 15.10; our forces carried out an action with individual weapons against a group of soldiers gathered at the top of Elişêr hill, which is located in Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova) district. As a result of the action from our forces who struck the positions effectively; 7 soldiers were killed. After the action, the Turkish Army bombed the area around. This action was carried out in memory of our May martyrs.

2. On May 22, at 10.45 am, our forces carried out an action against the Havan hill of Hakkari's Çelê (Çukurca) district. Two soldiers were killed in this action, in which positions and tents were shot in an effective manner, and many positions and tents were also hit.

3. The agent named Mahmut Taşkıran in Amed has in 2016 been involved in many crimes against our movement and carried out plots against our guerrillas. After detaining this individual for some time, our forces have warned and released this individual. Despite this individual being warned, he was still involved in the same dirty plans. Upon this, our guerrillas punished this individual at 22:00 hours on May 22nd in Berbuş Strait of Hazro.

May 23, 2017

HPG Press Centre