Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On 21 April, the Turkish army launched an operation in the Nadırbaz village area of ​​Erzurum's Şenkaya district. On April 26, our forces carried out an ambush action on one arm of the operation.

Two soldiers were killed and two soldiers were wounded, one being a lieutenant in this group, who were hit with individual weapons and hand bombs at close range. After the action, the Sıkorsky helicopter carried away the dead and wounded soldiers from the area while this arm of operation has been withdrawn. At the same day at 18.00, 2 cobra type helicopters indiscriminately hit the action area and its surroundings. The operation was withdrawn inconclusively in the evening on the same day.

2. On April 29, our forces put the hill of the Kozlu military division in Bazid (Dogubeyazit) district under their surveillance. Our forces have carried out actions with medium automatic and individual weapons targeting the commander of the military unit positioned on the hill. In this action, the commander of the hill was killed. This action was made to commemorate our comrades martyred at Besta.

3. On April 27, at 10.00 am, our forces carried out an action against the soldiers who were controlling the roads near Karataş police station of Hakkari's Çelê (Çukurca) district. One of the soldiers who were shot in this action was killed while one was wounded.

- On April 28 at 12:00 pm, our YJA Star forces carried out assassination actions against soldiers gathered in Tepê Sor outpost of Hakkari's Çelê (Çukurca) district on two separate arms. One soldier was killed in this action.

- At 12:00 on April 28th, our forces carried out an action against the soldiers moving in the Tepê Sor outpost of Hakkari's Çelê (Çukurca) district. In this action, the number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified.

- On April 29, our forces carried out actions with mortars against the soldiers located at the top of Koordine hill on Hakkari's border of Çelê (Çukurca). In this action, while 2 positions were struck, the number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified.

4. On April 28, at 16.00, while the Turkish army tried to land with Sikorsy type helicopters on the Deriyê Grana territory of Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova) district, our forces hit the helicopters with heavy weapons. Sikorsy helicopters retreated from the area without setdown.

5. On the morning of April 29th, Martyr Kendal hill in the Heftanin area from our Medya Defense Zones was bombarded by the Turkish army's warplanes.

6. Our comrades, Aslan, Baz, Cigerxwin, Haki, Kenan and Siyabend, who took part in the Kurdistan Freedom Movement and stepped into a free life with great devotion, continued their struggle against this fascist dictatorship which denied our existence and imposed slavery on our people. Our comrades who fought with honor and belief for freedom in Northern Kurdistan against the fascist gangs that blatantly attacked the Kurdish people and their pioneers, reached martyrdom in the operations of the Turkish army in the month of April.

The ID information of our martyr comrades are as following;

Nom De Guerre: Aslan Serhat

Name Surname: Erhan Taş

Place of Birth: Muş

Mother's - Father's Name: Kıtan - Erol

Date and Place of Martyrdom: April 2017 / Mardin

Nom De Guerre: Baz Koçer

Name Surname: Hakkı Caymak

Place of Birth: Siirt

Mother's - Father's Name: Halime - İbrahim

Date and Place of Martyrdom: April 2017 / Mardin

Nom De Guerre: Cigerxwin Mardin

Name Surname: Ramazan Ektiren

Place of Birth: Mardin

Mother's - Father's Name: Rukiye - İbrahim

Date and Place of Martyrdom: April 2017 / Mardin

Nom De Guerre: Haki Turcel

Name Surname: Abdulvahap Çeri

Place of Birth: Mardin

Mother's - Father's Name: Nuran - Mahmut

Date and Place of Martyrdom: April 2017 / Mardin

Nom De Guerre: Kenan Amed

Name Surname: Mehmet Şahap Demir

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother's - Father's Name: Sultan - Deniz

Date and Place of Martyrdom: April 2017 / Mardin

Nom De Guerre: Siyabend Dıjwar

Name Surname: Mehmet Ural

Date of Birth: Mardin

Mother's - Father's Name: Rahime - Hüseyin

Date and Place of Martyrdom: April 2017 / Mardin

April 30, 2017

HPG Press Centre