Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

On May 2, at 16.30, our forces carried out close-range action against the Turkish army’s soldiers positioned in the Gırê Çeta area of the Oremar area in Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova) district.

In this action with RPG-7 guns, a tank position and a secret position was targeted and effectively shot. While a tank was hit here, the number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified.

- On May 2, between 10:00 am and 11:00 am, our forces carried out actions against soldiers positioned at the top of Elişêr hill in the area of Oremar; where two positions were effectively struck and three soldiers were killed.

- On 28th April, the Turkish army started an operation in Deriyê Grana area of Govendê. The operation was withdrawn without results on April 30th.

2. On May 1st, the Turkish army launched an operation in the area of Martyr Brusk of Amed's Piran (Dicle) district. The Turkish army has been positioned on the ridges of Xaçek, Uçkula, Pırêjman and Heredan villages. At 17:25 on May 2, our forces put the soldiers positioned on the ridges of Uçkula under surveillance, carrying out an infiltration action. In this action, 5 soldiers were killed and 1 soldier was injured, including the commander of the operation unit where the infiltration action was directed against. This action was carried out in memory of our comrades who were martyred in Amed. The operation is still continuing.

3. On Aprıl 27, the Amurka and Akirek outposts intensively hit the Aliboğazı area of Dersim province with heavy weapons while unmanned aerial vehicle exploration flights were carried out over the area.

At 5:00 on the same day, the Turkish army carried out set down to the area. There were intense conflicts between our forces and the two operation arms towards noon hours. After these conflicts, the operation arms were withdrawn one step. With the withdrawal of the operational units, the Turkish army hit the area with heavy weapons. There were clashes again between our forces and enemy troops trying to get back into the area after intensive shooting. After the conflict, the soldiers had to retreat to the ridges of the Telefon and Incebel hills.

On April 28, Sikorsky-type helicopters came to the area where we had forces wıth the presence of certain elements that had not surrendered. There has been conflicts between our forces and operations units entering the area. During the two days of intense conflicts, a large number of soldiers were killed and there were martyrs from our guerrillas.

The information about our fallen guerrillas will be announced later. This operation was withdrawn on April 29th.

- On May 1st, at 16.30, 2 Cobra helicopters shot the ridges of the Dokuzkaya hill in Dersim province. At the same time, the Sikorsky helicopters carried out set downs. On the same day at 20.30, the Turkish army started operations again by carrying out set downs on Dokuzkaya and Hakis ridges. The operation is still continuing.

4. On the 17th of April at 20.30, an air attack on the Martyr Firaz area of Osmaniye was carried out by the Turkish army. Shortly afterwards, our comrade Zinar who was on duty was martyred in the aftermath of heavy attacks of the Cobra-type helicopters.

The ID information of our comrade who fell martyr is as following;

Nom De Guerre: Zınar Qoser

Name Surname: Özgür Göktürk

Place of Birth: Manisa

Mother’s – Father’s Name: Hanife - Şehmus

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 17 Nisan 2017 / Osmaniye

3 May, 2017

HPG Press Centre