Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Bedran Gundikremo and Martyr Nalin Muş revolutionary campaign, on August 20, 19.00, our forces carried out an action against the occupying Turkish army’s soldiers positioned on the Merganiş castle in the Çelê (Çukurca) district of Hakkari province. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in this action where enemy soldiers were put under fire on two arms has not been clarified.

Simultaneously, our forces put under fire the enemy positions on the Martyr Diren hill near the Koordine hill. The number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers in this action has not been clarified. After the action, occupying forces bombarded the area with howitzer and mortar shells.

2. Within the scope of the Martyr Serdem and Martyr Nudem revolutionary campaign, on August 18, our forces have put under surveillance a disguised unit of the occupying Turkish army between the villages of Xirbê Şabek and Xirbê Qiryan in Mardin’s Kerboran (Dargeçit) district.  This enemy unit which was under surveillance for some time was targeted by our forces at 14.00 hours. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in the unit struck effectively has not been determined.

After the action, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the area.  The operation was withdrawn on the August 19th evening hours without any results.

3. On August 19, our forces put under surveillance a unit of the occupying Turkish army which was positioned on the Şahin hill in central Dersim. This enemy unit which was under surveillance for some time was effectively hit by our forces in close range around 20:00. Four enemy soldiers were identified killed in the action while two others were wounded. After the action, the occupying Turkish army carried away its dead and wounded soldiers from the area with Sikorsy-type helicopters.

In our statement made on August 14, we shared the information that our forces on August 11 carried out an action against a disguised unit of the occupying Turkish army near the Ok village in central Dersim, and that three soldiers including the unit commander was killed here. After the action, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the area and conflicts have taken place between our forces and the enemy.  In these conflicts where the number of dead and wounded enemies could not be clarified, our comrade Bager who fought heroically against the enemy in close contact has been heavily wounded. Our comrade Bager has reached martyrdom by detonating his bomb on himself in order to not be captured alive by the enemy.The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Bager Dersim
Name- Surname: Direnç Duman
Place of Birth: İzmir
Mother's- Father's Name: Zübeyde - Akın
Date and Place of Martyrdom: August 11, 2017 / Dersim

Bager – Direnç Duman

4. On August 7, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in Dağlıbel area of the Mazgirt district of Dersim. On August 9, at 20.30, one of our unit engaged in conflict with the enemy. In the action where the number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers could not be clarified, our guerrilla named Renas was martyred after fighting heroically.

The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Renas Iğdır
Name- Surname: Muzaffer Abuşka
Place of birth: Iğdır
Mother's - Father's Name: Gülizar - Zeki
Date and Place of Martyrdom: August 9, 2017 / Dersim

Renas – Muzaffer Abuşka

5. On August 19, at 06.30, our guerrillas encountered with the occupying Turkish army soldiers near the village of Şaklat in Karaz (Kocaköy) district of Amed and entered into conflict with enemy forces. One soldier was killed in this conflict. Our comrade Roger, who fought heroically against enemy forces, has reached martyrdom in the conflict.

The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Roger Helkız
Name- Surname: Akif Abay
Date of Birth: Batman
Mother's- Father's name: Rahimi – Şafi
Date and Place of Martyrdom: August 19,  2017 / Amed

Roger – Akif Abay

6. Our forces encountering with the occupying Turkish army's soldiers in the Artos mountain in the Gevaş district of Van province on June 13, entered into conflict with enemy forces. Our comrade Delil had been captured by the enemy in a state of being heavily wounded in this conflict. The occupying forces, not recognizing any war rules, executed our captured comrade Delil.

The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Delil Mervan
Name- Surname: Ünal Birgil
Place of Birth: Ağrı
Mother's Father's Name: Hülya  -  Abdulbaki
Date and Place of Martyrdom: June 13, 2017 / Van

Delil – Ünal Birgil


August 21, 2017

HPG Press Center