Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On July 23, at 10:00, the invading Turkish army bombed the Şeşdara area of the Heftanin region in the Medya Defence Zones with howitzers. Following the bombardment, Turkish troops set fire to the area and mobilized in the region. There were intense clashes took place between the enemy troops and our forces in the area. 1 counter-guerrilla and 1 soldier were punished in these conflicts.

Our comrade Zelal Sidem, who fought heroically against the enemy during the clashes and led the resistance from the first day of the invasion operation in Heftanin, fell a martyr.

On July 10 at 13.00, our comrades Argeş, Reşat and Zınar fell a martyr during air attack of the invading Turkish army on the Tepê Dupişk area.

2. On July 23, at 10.15, warplanes of the invading Turkish army bombed the Martyr Rustem area of the Zap region in the Medya Defence Zones. A fire broke out in the area as a result of the bombardment and still continues.

3. In our statement dated 22 July, we had shared information that our comrade Şiyar fell a martyr during the clashes in the Martyr Canxurt area of ​​the Herekol region of Siirt. The ID information of our comrade Şiyar is as follows:

Nom de Guerre: Şiyar Sara Garzan

Name - Surname: Ömer Özmen

Place of Birth: Bitlis

Mother's-Father's Name: Brunette - November

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 19 July 2020 / Siirt

Şiyar – Ömer Özmen

We send our condolences to all the patriotic people of Kurdistan, especially the precious family of our comrade Şiyar and promise that we will carry the flag of the struggle of our martyrs to victory.

July 24, 2020

HPG Press Centre