Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Bedran Gundikremo and Martyr Nalin Muş revolutionary campaigns, our forces carried out actions against the occuyping Turkish army in Hakkari and Hakkari's Şemzinan (Şemdinli) district.

On June 27, the occupying Turkish army's warplanes bombed the ridges of Azîzan hill and the Xezalkê area.

After the bombardment, during 04.00 hours, the occupying Turkish army set down its special operations units on the ridges of Xezalkê hill with sikorsy-type helicopters. During the setdown, our forces targeted these units and has hit the units effectively in close range. One enemy soldier has been identified killed in the action while seven others were wounded.

Within the same operation, another enemy unit which entered the area was also targeted by our forces on 07.30 the same day. Two enemy soldiers have been identified killed in the action.

On 14.30 hours the same day, our guerrillas carried out a sabotage action against soldiers located near Talê village. One enemy soldier has been identified killed in the action. The enemy's operation has been forced to withdrawal inconclusively towards the evening hours.

On June 28, 12.30, our YJA Star forces carried out an assassination action against soldiers positioned on the Leylek hill in Şemzinan district. One enemy soldier has been identified killed in the action.

2. Our forces have carried out an action against enemy soldiers positioned on the Martyr Xeyri hill in Hakkari's Çele (Çukurca) district. One enemy soldier has been identified killed in the action.

3. On June 27, 16.00 hours our forces carried out an action against the occupying Turkish army's enemy soldiers of the Gundikê Melê battalion in Şırnak. Our forces which targeted a reo-type military vehicle located between two hills conducting the security of the battalion have carried out effective hits in close range. Three enemy soldiers have been identified killed in the action where the reo-type vehicle was destroyed. Our forces which checked the destroyed vehicle seized some documents and papers found in the vehicle.

The number of dead and wounded soldiers as a result of the simultaneously targeted Gundik hill action by our forces could not be clarified.

After the action, cobra-type attack helicopters of the occupying Turkish army bombed the Çiyayê Filla area.

Our unit which carried out the action has reached their base area securely.

4. On June 28, 11.00 hours, our forces carried out an assassination action against the occupying Turkish army's Rijlek outpost in Bitlis. One enemy soldier has been identified killed in the action.

5. On June 22, our forces which encountered with the occupying Turkish army's soldiers near the village of Îlê in Van's Başkale district has entered into conflict. In the conflict where the number of dead and wounded enemies could not be clarified, two of our comrades have reached martyrdom after fighting heroically.

6. In the statement we made on June 26, we shared the information that the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the area of Deraşoran village in Erzincan's Kemah district on June 24. During this operation, heavy clashes have took place between our forces and the invasion forces throughout a period of 24 hours. The enemy forces which received blows and failed to obtain results in the clashes which took place in close contact, bombed the conflict area with warplanes and cobra-type helicopters. The number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers in the conflicts could not be clarified.

Four of our heroic comrades have reached martyrdom following the conflicts and bombardments that were carried out.

The ID information of our martyr comrades is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Demhat Şoreş

Name Surname: Ferdi Ulutaş

Place of Birth: Van

Mother's - Father's Name: Bedia - Fethi

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 24 June 2017 / Erzincan

Nom de Guerre: Dılgeş Muş

Name Surname: Mehmet Güler

Place of Birth: Muş

Mother's - Father's Name: Fatma - Aydın

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 24 June 2017 / Erzincan

Nom de Guerre: Isyam Viyan

Name Surname: Esma Erkek

Place of Birth: Amed

Anne - Baba Adı: Suna - Abdurrahman

Şehadet Tarihi ve Yeri: 24 June 2017 / Erzincan

Nom de Guerre: Ronahi Rızgar

Name Surname: Mizgin Akdoğan

Place of Birth: Antep

Mother's - Father's Name: Zahide - Ihsan

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 24 June 2017 / Erzincan

June 29, 2017

HPG Press Centre