Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

To the Press and Public!


1-    On 14 October, in between 06:30 – 16:00 hours, the war-planes and drones belong to the occupier Turkish state army carried out intense flights on our Region of Zap/the Medya Defence Areas. Also, drones continued their search flights in between 22:00 – 22:30 hours, as well.

2-    On 15 October, in between 01:00 – 04:00 hours, the drones belong to the occupier Turkish state army carried out intense search flights on our Region of Haftanin/the Medya Defence Areas.

3-    On 14 October, at 22:00 hour, our guerrillas and the YBS forces jointly carried out an ambush against the DAIS gangs, on the Main Road of Sengal-Rojava. As a result, 4 gang members killed and 2 others wounded. Also, a vehicle belongs to the gangs totally destroyed.

4-    On 13 October, at noon, the Sengal Resistance Units (YBS) carried out an assassination action against the gangs in the Village of Sinune/Sengal. As a result, 1 gang killed. Again, on 14 October, the YBS forces carried out another assassination action against the gangs in the Village of Solak/Sengal and as a result 1 gang killed.

5-    On 14 October, at 16:00 hour, our guerrillas realised the DAIS gangs while in a move around Cement Factory close to the Village of Hergan/Sengal. Our forces carried an action on these gangs and killed 3 gangs.

6-    The drones belong to the occupier Turkish state army have been carrying out intense search flights in the area of Sehit Kawa/Sehit Kendal, in the District of Lice/Amed, for the last two days.

7-    On 14 October, in between 11:00 – 12:00 hours, the drones belong to the occupier Turkish state army carried out intense search flights in the area of Glidag/Bazid/Agri. Again, on the same day, in between 14:00 – 15:00 hours, while drones were again carrying search flights, our guerrillas opened fire with heavy weaponry on the drones and as a result they left the area.

The HPG Liaison Centre

15 October 2014