Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


1-On 24 November at around 16:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against enemy soldiers inside two military cabins belong to the Begirman military station nearby the district of Gercus/Batman . The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be clarified.

2-We have stated that as a result of a clash occurred in between our guerrillas and enemy soldiers nearby the Village of Fis, on the road of Amed-Bingol, on 22 November at around 20:30 hour, one of our comrade name Navdar (ServanFidanten). In the same clash, another of comrade, who has been wounded, has been martyred despite every effort made to survive him.

The I.D. Detail of our Martryed Comrade is;

Code Name: RojhatAmed

Real Name: AytekinOzcicek

Place of Birth: Amed

Name of Mother/Father: Hazal/Mustafa

Date and Place of Martyr: 22 November 2012 / the Village of Fis, Lice, Amed

HPG Media and Communication Center

24. 11. 2012