Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

To the Press and Public!

1. On 10 September, at 21:00 hour, our guerrilla forces and the Sengal Resistance Units carried out a joint sabotage action against the ISIS gang’s convoy at the entrance of the Gabara Village. As a result, a vehicle and air defence weaponry has been completely destroyed. Aftermath of the action, there was a brief clash occurred in between our guerrilla forces and the gangs.

2.On 10 September in between 08:00 – 17:00 and 11 September in between 09:30 – 16:00 hours, Drones belongs to the occupier Turkish state army flew on the Region of Avasin/the Media Defence Areas. Again on 11 September, the fighter Jets belongs to the Turkish army flew over the Regions of Zagros and and Metina/the Medya Defence Areas, in between 08:00 – 08:30 and at 11:00 hours respectively.

3. On 10 September at 11:40 and 11 September in between 08:30 – 09:00 hours, the fighter Jets belongs to the occupier Turkish state army flew over the Region of Avasin/Medya Defence Areas. Again, on 11 September in between 08:00 – 08:30 hours, the fighter jets flew over the Region of Metina/the Medya Defence Areas.

3. The military operation started by the occupier Turkish state army in the Region of Besta/Botan, on 11 September, have pulled back on 12 September, with no result. Again, the sikorsky type military helicopters belongs to the occupier Turkish state army wanted to carry out an air search on the Regions of Sergele Kula and Cate/Agri, on 11 September at 15:00 hour. As a result, our guerrillas retaliated against the military helicopters and one helicopter damaged and the rest had to pulled back.

The HPG Liaison Centre

12 September 2014