Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


For the last two days, the soldiers, jendarmerie, the special operational teams of the police and the village-guards belongs to the occupier Turkish state army have been carrying out operations against the fields of hashish and marijuana in the districts of Lice and Hazro/Amed . These false operations carrying out together with false propagandas as such ‘historical operations’, a blow to finance of the PKK’, which used against us as a method for years now in order to blacken our movement.

It is very well known by the World that our source of income is our own people, who earns with hard work of their utmost and the value that they put a side after all difficulties. It is not possible for us to carry out such methods nor give permission for these activities, as claimed, to be carried out in the areas that we are effective. We have been prohibited all kind of narcotic fields in the areas that our guerrillas are effective and this is known by the officials of the state of Turkey and people of Kurdistan more than anyone else.  

The colonialist, occupier state and army of Turkey very much knows about our sensitivity on this matter. As a result, give support to these poison traders in order to create confusion in an ongoing war. It is known that the commanders of the military stations in the region support some people and say to them that ‘PKK do not want you to be rich. Do not want you to be develop your economy. You plant and we support you’’. Especially, the reality widely known within people that military commanders in the region of Amed says to those village-guard that they work with, ‘The HPG can’t turn on us because they are busy with those fields’.

The commanders of the military stations give permission to these fields in return to have a share from the profit and inform on the HPG guerrillas. The claimed operations which carried out against the fields shown in the press are all far away from the guerrilla bases and close to the enemy military stations. If one closely make search on these realities can openly see that military officials are the ones who supports these fields to be there.

Enemy wants to make the realities upside-down, cover up its crimes with these false operations and disgrace the agenda created after a state terror in the city of Amed, on 14 July. As well as disgrace the people of Amed as a society of crime, who honorably stand against the state terror.

These attempts to blacken our movement with these poisons will not work out, because we do not have anything to the in planting and/or selling such poisons at all. We have had prohibited any such activities in the areas under our control before and, these prohibitions will continue.

The HPG Central Commandment
