Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. In order to ensure the security of the newly constructed security route between Şırnak and Cizre, the occupying Turkish army is constructing two new outposts between Şaxê and Ikizce villages of Cizre district.

Within the scope of the Martyr Serdem and Martyr Nudem revolutionary campaign, our forces organized an action against soldiers trying to maintain the security of the outpost constructed between Şaxê and Qesrike, and the outpost itself on October 18 around 18.00 hours. Four soldiers, including one lieutenant, were killed and a large number of soldiers were wounded in this action where the soldiers and outpost were taken under intensive fire and were shot in an effective manner.

Following the action, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the area with the support of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). Occupying forces which bombed the area with Cobra-type attack helicopters bombarded the area, between 19.00 and 20.00 hours carried out setdowns on Dertê hill near Şaxê village with sikorsy helicopters. Occupying forces entered the village of Şaxê with tanks and have positioned here.

On October 2, our forces targeted the enemy units on Dertê hill. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in this action could not be determined. Following this action, invading forces carried out set-downs on the Gırê Nisk and its surroundings.

On October 3, an action was organized by our forces against a unit of the operation near the village of Şaxê. One enemy soldier was killed in the action.

Between October 3 and October 4, the occupying Turkish army heavily bombed the area with howitzers and mortars, and the surroundings of Şaxê village were set on fire. The operation was withdrawn from the area at 23.00 hours on October 4.

2. Within the scope of the Martyr Mahir, Martyr Eylem and Martyr Argeş revolutionary campaigns, on October 5, at 17:45, our forces carried out an action against a bus full of special operations police and high-ranking police members on the international highway at the entrance of Bazid district of Ağrı, located between the Gürbulak zone and Bazid. In this action, in which the enemy's bus was shot in an effective manner, the bus was destroyed and 15 special operations police members were killed and 20 were wounded here.

After the action, the occupying Turkish army has removed its dead and wounded police members from the area with ambulances amid the support of many armoured vehicles.

3. Within the scope of the Martyr Bedran Gundikremo and Martyr Nalin Muş revolutionary campaign, our forces organized an action against the enemy unit on Martyr Bager hill near the Koordine Hill of Hakkari's Çelê (Çukruca) district on October 5 at 13.10 hours. In this action, where enemy positions were shot effectively, three positions, including one heavy weapon position was destroyed and three soldiers were killed. After the action, the occupying forces bombarded the area with howitzers and mortars.

On October 4, our forces organized an action against the enemy soldiers in the Çeperê Şêxa zone of Çelê within the scope of the campaign. In the action, one soldier, detected from the target enemy unit, was killed. After the action, the occupying forces bombarded the area with howitzers and mortars.

4. On October 1, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the area of Karar in Bingöl's Adaklı district. The occupying Turkish army which the area bombarded with howitzers and mortars in the operation, partly withdrew from the area on October 4. The mobility of the disguised units is underway.

5. An individual by the name Müslüm Erdal who cooperated with the enemy and constructed the security road of Wargenima outpost and its security hill in Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova) district were warned repeatedly by our forces. Despite all warnings, he continued to be a subcontractor for the security road and constructions of the outposts and was punished by our forces on October 5, at 10:00, in Zınya Sêvê district of Gever.

6. On October 5, warplanes of the occupying Turkish army conducted air attacks against the Medya Defense Zones. In this scope;

At 15.00, the Ermuş area of the Xakurke region and around 22.30 hours, Bedran valley of the Qandil region was bombarded.


October 6, 2017

HPG Press Centre