Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-On 19 November, our guerrillas detained 3 suspicious people, who are voluntary village guards from the Village of Ewliya/Semdinli/Hakkari, and got into the areas under the guerrilla control with no permission. The questioning of these 3 suspects are still continues.
2-On 19 November at 16:30, our guerrillas detained a school principal and a teacher, who are serving for the assimilation policies of enemy, in the sub-district of the Sitilile/Nusaybin/Mardin. The questioning of detainees still continues.
3-On 19 November at 16:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action on the military station of Harbe, in the district of Nusaybin/Mardin. As a result, 1 enemy soldier killed. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the surrounding area of the military station with no aim.
4-On 19 November at 07:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action on a enemy military convoy in an area in between the Villages of Aruse and Elemun, in the district of Uludere/Sirnak. As a result, 1 armored military vehicle has been destroyed. According to the reports, 4 soldiers killed, 2 of heavily 3 soldiers wounded within the vehicle. While enemy forces carried away the corpses of killed and wounded soldiers 3 times with sikorski type helicopters, carried out obus and mortar bombardments on and surrounding area of action, with no aim.
5-On 16 November, our guerrillas hit crushing blows on the occupier Turkish state army during its military operations in the rural areas of the district of Semdinli/Hakkari. The details of 3 days continuing clashes are as follow;
On 16 November, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation against the Mnt. Govende on the Hill of Slor, in the district of Semdinli/Hakkari. Our guerrillas carried out an action against the operational enemy forces on the Hilll of Slor, where as a result 1 enemy soldier killed. The military operation in this area has been pulled back in the afternoon hours of 17 November. Aftermath of the operation, the occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the same area until night hours of same day. At night of the day, the war-planes also continuously carried out intensive air-bombardments on the same areas as well.
On 18 November, our guerrillas followed up an enemy unit, which attempted to infiltrate in the area of Xapuske and, surrounded the enemy and at 06:00 hour carried out an action on the enemy. As a result, 17 enemy soldiers killed. Our guerrillas also confiscated 3 HK33, 1 M16, 1 assassination weapons, 2 military bags and many other military materials belong to enemy. Later, there have been intensive clashes occurred with other enemy soldiers who came to the area for intervention, which continued until night hours. The areas of where intensive clashes occurred have been bombarded intensively by the occupier Turkish state army with cobra type helicopters, obus and mortars.
Our guerrillas also targeted the sikorski type helicopters deploying enemy soldiers on the area during the clashes, as well. As a result, an helicopter has been effectively hit by our our guerrillas while landing enemy soldiers on the area of Xapuske. The heavily damaged helicopter later fell down on the area in between the Villages of Betkare and Besosin, while attempting to fly away. As a result, 20 soldiers in the helicopter havealso been killed. The other helicopter which also has been hit and damaged by our guerrillas had to make a urgent landing on the Hill of Slor.
As a result of the action and clashes while a total of 38 enemy soldiers killed and 1 sikorski type helicopter destroyed, also 2 of our comrades have been martyred. Also, 3 of our comrades also cut off from their units during the intensive clashes. Their whereabouts is unknown since afternoon hours of 20 November. We will be sharing the I.D. details of our martyred comrades as the details clarify.
On 19 November, while the enemy military operation partially pulled back, the activities of the hidden enemy units still continues in the area.
HPG Media and Communication Center
20. 11. 2012