Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-On 14 September at around 15:00 hour, a Fedaiin action carried out against enemy’s Haruna military station within the scope of the Revolutionary Operation began on the line of the districts of Semdinli and Yuksekova/Hakkari, on 23 July.
One of our Fedaiin Team has carried out the attack and within a minute effectively hit the entrance and enemy positions nearby, and got into the station. Our Fedaiin Team took control of the building of the station, the Ward and the refreshment bar of the military station within 5 minutes. Our guerrillas took control of the military station for 20 minutes and search the station. In mean time, an enemy quatrain attempted to intervene to the action also hit by our Fedaiin Team and killed most of these enemy soldiers as well. Our other guerrillas, who were positioned around the military station, were also hit the guard and watch cabins of the military station while our Fedaiin Team carrying out its duty.
At the end of the action, 60 enemy soldiers belongs to the occupier Turkish state army have been killed and number of wounded soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify. During the action, our guerrillas also destroyed 2 Tanks and 1 Panzer, and 1 scorpion type vehicle damaged. Aftermath of the action, while our guerrillas were pulling back, the Village-guards in the Village-guards camp of Baye opened fire on our guerrillas, where a short time clash occurred in between our guerrillas and the Village-guards. As a result of this clash, 1 village-guard killed and 2 others wounded.
A military convoy moved from the Dure military station, which wanted to intervene to the area of action. Our guerrillas also effectively hit this military convoy as well. As a result, 1 Tank and 1 scorpion type vehicles hit damaged. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be clarified in this action.
Aftermath of these action, while enemy cobra type helicopters intensively bombarded the area, the war-planes belongs to the occupier Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments on the Villages of Tu and Kola. The same areas also intensively bombarded with obus and mortars as well.
During all these actions a total of 8 of our Fedaiin comrades reached to martyr.
The I.D. Details of our Martyred comrades are:
Code Name: Ekin Amed
Real Name: Kejije Urselendi
Name of Mother/Father: Mekiye/Ahmet
Place of Birth: Amed
Date and Place of Martyr: 14 September 2012 / Semdinli, Hakkari (During a Fedaiin Action on the Haruna Military station).
Code Name: Dunya Tilabyard
Real Name: Siham
Name of Mother/Father: Emine/Muslim
Place of Birth: Kobani
Date and Place of Martyr: 14 September 2012 / Semdinli, Hakkari (During a Fedaiin Action on the Haruna Military station).
Code Name: Newal Sidar
Real Name: Sirin Sems
Name of Mother/Father: Fatma/Ismail
Place of Birth: Maku
Date and Place of Martyr: 14 September 2012 / Semdinli, Hakkari (During a Fedaiin Action on the Haruna Military station).
Code Name: Cirav Urmiye
Real Name: Awaz Hatemi
Name of Mother/Father: Mahfuza/Abdulrahman
Place of Birth: Urmiye
Date and Place of Martyr: 14 September 2012 / Semdinli, Hakkari (During a Fedaiin Action on the Haruna Military station).
Code Name: Karwan Gabar
Real Name: Musa Ali
Name of Mother/Father: Hediye/Ali
Place of Birth: Suleymanie
Date and Place of Martyr: 14 September 2012 / Semdinli, Hakkari (During a Fedaiin Action on the Haruna Military station).
Code Name: Cuma Goyi
Real Name: Serbest Onver
Name of Mother/Father: Mercan/Emin
Place of Birth: Sirnak
Date and Place of Martyr: 14 September 2012 / Semdinli, Hakkari (During a Fedaiin Action on the Haruna Military station).
Code Name: Asikar Bagok
Real Name: Ali Kilinc
Name of Mother/Father: Selma/Seyfettin
Place of Birth: Nusaybin, Mardin
Date and Place of Martyr: 14 September 2012 / Semdinli, Hakkari (During a Fedaiin Action on the Haruna Military station).
Code Name: Mordem Avasin
Real Name: Fuat Terzioglu
Name of Mother/Father: Rewsen/Cafer
Place of Birth: Hakkari
Date and Place of Martyr: 14 September 2012 / Semdinli, Hakkari (During a Fedaiin Action on the Haruna Military station).
2-On 14 September at 18:40 hour, our guerrillas carried a Fedaiin action against the Tepe Military station/Lice/Amed, within the scope of Martyrs of Harun and Armanc Revolutionary Operation.

The action carried out against a military station with 1 Ton explosion and as a result 1 Tank, 1 Panzer, 1 A4 position and 4 other positions, together with the guard cabin at the entrance together with enemy soldiers in have been destroyed. After the explosion, the building of the military station and dormitory left in flames.
In mean time, our guerrillas also effectively hit the positions of soldier and Tanks at the back of the military station as well. As a result, while 2 positions of enemy destroyed, the others damaged. During the action 25 enemy soldiers killed and number of wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify. As a result of this action the unknown numbers of many military equipment and weapons also destroyed. Enemy forces carried away the corpses of the killed and wounded enemy soldiers with 4 sikorsky type helicopters for 12 times.
Aftermath of the action, while enemy forces couldn’t be able to intervene to the area on the land, the cobra type helicopters carried out bombardments on the surrounding areas of the military station and the Villages in the area with no aim. In mean time, enemy forces in the district of central Lice carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the surrounding area as well. As a result of these enemy bombardments, many houses belongs to the villagers have been damaged.
According to reports given out by the Turkish Media claiming that we have looses do not reflect the reality.
Within the scope of Martyrs Harun and Armanc Revolutionary Operation, our guerrillas also carried out a road control action nearby the Korxe military station, on the Road of Bingol-Amed. The action carried out at 18:00 hour and the I.D.s of 300 people have been controlled and the people informed about the latest developments by our guerrillas.
A military convoy made of armored military vehicles attempted to intervene to our guerrillas carrying out road control and effectively hit by our guerrillas as well. As a result, 2 scorpion type vehicles destroyed by our guerrillas. Yet, number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers here couldn’t be able to clarify.
Aftermath of the action, the area has been bombarded by cobra type helicopters for an hour.
3-In between 12-15 September, our guerrillas carried out different type of actions within the scope of the domination and control of the line in between the districts of Semdinli-Yuksekova/Hakkari. These actions are;
Our guerrillas carried out 3 separate actions against the military operation, which was initially launched on 9 September in the area of Senala/Semdinli and then extended on 12 September by the occupier Turkish state army.
At 05:00 hour, the occupier Turkish state army air-land its forces on the Hill of Senala. In the afternoon hours, enemy operational forces began to march with three different wings to the area of Geliye Nehre. At 15:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out their first action on these operational enemy forces and 7 enemy soldiers killed. The second action carried out against the second wing of the operational enemy forces. Here, 11 enemy soldiers killed. The third wing of the operational enemy forces also have been hit by our guerrillas in a third action. And, as a result 1 enemy soldier killed and 1 other wounded.
1 sikorski type helicopter, which came to carry away the corpses of killed and wounded enemy soldiers also has hit and damaged by our guerrillas as well. The helicopter had to flew away. The enemy forces had to pull back after the clashes continued until 18:30 hour. At 22:00 hour, enemy forces carried away their corpses of killed and wounded soldiers with many sikorski type helicopters.
On 12 September in between 14:00-15:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out an action against the enemy forces present in the area of Gewrezine/Semzinan. As a result, 2 enemy soldier killed and 3 others wounded by our guerrillas.
On 14 September in between 13:00-16:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out 4 different actions against the enemy forces present in the area of Gewrezini. As a result of these actions, 3 enemy soldiers killed and 1 other wounded.
On 15 September in between 12:00-18:00 hours, our guerrillas carried out a road control o the road of Yuksekova-Oramar, in the area of Geliye Doski/Yuksekova. While our guerrillas carried out I.D. controls, also informed the people about the latest developments.
On 15 September at 22:00 hour, our guerrillas also destroyed the electricity and telephone poles going to both the Oramar and Sitazin military stations.
4-On 13 September, our guerrillas carried out an action against a work-yard of a building of Artok Ski establishment belong to the Gevas governer, in the district of Gevas/Van. As a result, all the vehicles were present in the work-yard have been burnt.
5-On 14 September at 15:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against enemy soldiers, who has been deployed with the civilian vehicles by the occupier Turkish state arm. As a result, while 1 vehicle destroyed, 3 enemy soldiers killed and 1 other wounded.
6-On 15 September at 11:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action TRT Gabar military Regiment on the Mnt. Gabar/ Sirnak. Our guerrillas aimed 2 guard cabins during the action. As a result, while 1 guard cabin destroyed and 1 other damaged, a total of 3 enemy soldiers killed and 1 other wounded. Aftermath of the action, the occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the surrounding area of the Regiment and the area of Navser/Gabar/Sirnak.
7-In between 15 and 16 September, our guerrillas carried out road controls in different times nearby the area of the Bridge of Venk, on the Road of Dersim-Ovacik. Our guerrillas controlled the I.D.s of the passengers.
On 14-15 September, a bush fire began in the Valley of Sal, in between Desim-Ovacik, after enemy forces carried out bombardments with cobra type helicopters belongs to occupier Turkish state army. Aftermath of the bombardments, the occupier Turkish state army air-landed its force on the area of Sultanbaba/Ovacik.
On 14 September, the occupier Turkish state army also launched a military operation in the area of Yasakli/Ovacik. The enemy military operation and bombardments still continues in the area.
8-On 15 September in between 18:00-23:00 hours, the occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the Villages of Sifreza and Bircela and the area of Kucuk Cilo, in the district of Cukurca/Hakkari.
9-On 16 September at 02:40 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a Botas Pipelines passing through nearby the Village of Kartmine, in the district of Midyat/Mardin. As a resuly of severe explosion, the lines of pipeline left in flames and the fire still continues.
HPG Media and Communication Center
16. 09. 2012