Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Bedran Gundikremo and Martyr Nalin Muş revolutionary campaign, our forces carried out an action between Hakkari's Şemzinan (Şemdinli) and Gever (Yüksekova) districts on July 23.

At 23.40, our forces targeted a convoy of the occupying Turkish army consisting of 40 armoured vehicles between the Pagê and Mıçê villages. The military convoy hit in close range was struck effectively and all the vehicles in the convoy split into two were put under fire, with one scorpion-type armoured vehicle being completely destroyed. 15 enemy soldiers have been identified killed in the action. The occupying Turkish army which indiscriminately fired at the area with heavy weapons amid the support of UAVs carried away its dead and wounded, along with the vehicle debris from the area. This action was carried out in memory of our patriot named Necmettin Fendik who was executed by fascist Turkish police in Gever.

2. On July 23, at 23.00, our guerrillas who encountered with the occupying Turkish army in the Gomasipî area of Dersim entered into conflict with enemy forces. After brief conflict, the enemy forces which carried out setdowns on the area launched an operation. The operation still continues. Our guerrilla unit which clashed with the enemy has reached the base areas securely.

3. On July 19, one of our unit encountered with the occupying Turkish army soldiers near Demirkapi village of Ağrı's Bazid (Dogubeyazit) district and entered into conflict with enemy forces. Two our comrades who fought heroically against the enemy forces in the conflict, where the number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified, fell as martyrs.

4. On July 19, at around 14:00 hours, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in Dersim's Harçik valley and Uzuntarla region. Until July 21, the occupying forces bombed the area intensely with warplanes and cobra-type helicopters. On July 21, at 01.00, the occupying Turkish army carried out setdowns with sikorsky type helicopters to the Harçik valley. After the setdowns, intense conflicts took place between our forces and the enemy soldiers.

As a result of conflict and bombardment, five of our comrades fell as martyrs after fighting heroically.

The ID information of our martyr comrades are as following;

Nom de Guerre: Cesur Dersim

Name Surname: Celal Aşkan

Place of Birth: Dersim

Mother's - Father's Name: Hanım- Aslan

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 19, 2017 / Dersim

Nom de Guerre: Çekdar Dersim

Name Surname: Tuncay Güngörmüş

Place of Birth: Dersim

Mother's - Father's Name: Halise- Kazım

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 19, 2017 / Dersim

Nom de Guerre: Gelhat Arin

Name Surname: Metin özkan

Place of Birth: Urfa

Mother's - Father's Name: Zahide- Hasan

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 19, 2017 / Dersim

Nom de Guerre: Jehat Serhat

Name Surname: Ahmet Er

Place of Birth: Iğdır

Mother's - Father's Name: Halime- İsmail

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 19, 2017 / Dersim


Nom de Guerre: Rojhat Van

Name Surname: Senar Aslan

Place of Birth: Van

Mother's - Father's Name: Fatma- Süleyman

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 19, 2017 / Dersim

5. We stated in our statement made on July 23 that the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the Qir strait of Bingöl's Yayladere district and that three of our comrades who fought heroically in these clashes that took place in the operation reached martyrdom.

The ID information of our martyr comrades are as following;

Nom de Guerre: Cotkar Karker

Name Surname: Ramazan Arslan

Place of Birth: Bingöl

Mother's - Father's Name: Güllü - Ahmet

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 12, 2017 / Bingöl

Nom de Guerre: Hozan Avareş

Name Surname: Maşuk Sarışın

Place of Birth: Denizli

Mother's - Father's Name: Kadriye - Kerem

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 12, 2017 / Bingöl

Nom de Guerre: Memyan Derik

Name Surname: Şehmus Güzel

Place of Birth: Malatya

Mother's - Father's Name: -

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 12, 2017 / Bingöl


July 25, 2017

HPG Press Centre