Kurdistan People's Defence Forces



1. . On the 10 March Fighter  jets planes belonging to the occupying Turkish army flew over the Medya Defence Area on the Gelîyê Reş, Gostê belonging to to Xakurke and Gerdiya region belonging to Şemdinli/Hakkari between 20:30 - 21:00 hours . Also Drones Fly flew over the same regions between 02:00 - 03:00 hours on the 11 March.

2. On the 11 March Drones fly belonging to the occupying Turkish army flew intensively  over the our Media Defence Area Zap region between 23:00 - 04:40 hours.

3. On the 12 March the occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar bombardments to our Media Defense Areas, Deriyê Davetiyê , Kuranış Valley , Bêtalma Valley and Kuruağaç regions at 06:00 o'clock until 18:00 o'clock.

13 March 2014

HPG Media and Communication Center