Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. The operation launched by the occupying Turkish army on September 27 in the Tepê Xwedê range and its surroundings located within the Barzan region of the South Kurdistan territory continues.

Our guerrillas targeted enemy soldiers located on the Bayrak hill at 15.00 hours on October 2. In this action, where enemy positions were shot at close range, five enemy soldiers were killed and two positions were destroyed.

After the action, the invading forces removed dead and wounded soldiers from the area with Skorsky helicopters around 20.00 hours.

2. Within the second phase of the Martyr Bedran Gundikremo and Martyr Nalin Muş revolutionary campaign, our forces organized an action against the occupying Turkish army, located on the top of Hakkari's Qela Merganiş hill in Çelê (Çukurca) district on October 1, at 06.10 hours. In this action where enemy positions and troops carrying material to the hill were shot in an effective manner, three positions were destroyed and six soldiers were killed.

Following the action, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the area with the support of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles). An enemy unit trying to infiltrate into the area on October 2 at 02.00 am was targeted by our forces. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in the enemy unit shot at close range has not been determined.

Between 09.00 and 09.20 am on October 2, our forces have carried out an action against the Girê hill in the Çelê district. The number of dead and wounded soldiers in this action, where enemy positions were shot with 14 rockets, could not be clarified.

3. Our forces, which put under surveillance the units of the invading forces in the Hêstıran, Hırsızpınar and Golbasan villages in central Dersim, which were carrying out ambush activities, targeted the enemy unit near Golbasan village on October 2 at 16.10 hours. Our guerrillas have infiltrated into the vicinity of the soldiers' positions and have put the enemy forces under intensive fire. Six soldiers were killed and one soldier was wounded in the unit which was hit in close range.

After the action, the invading forces bombarded the area indiscriminately, and landed on the site with a Skorsky helicopter and launched an operation. The occupying Turkish army has removed dead and wounded soldiers from the area with armoured and civilian vehicles.

4. Within the scope of the Martyr Mahir, Martyr Eylem and Martyr Argeş revolutionary campaign, our forces carried out an action against the transit vehicle where soldiers and contras were located in, as it headed towards the area of wall construction between East and North Kurdistan from the Tujik outpost in Bazîd (Doğubeyazit) district of Ağrı at 12.00 hours on October 2. Ten enemy soldiers were killed in this action, in which the transit vehicle was completely destroyed.

5. On September 29, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation with the support of UAVs, warplanes and cobra-type attack helicopters in Kani Botkê area of Besta region of Şırnak. On the same day, around 11.30, warplanes and cobra-type helicopters bombed the area intensively.

As a result of the intense air attacks, our two comrades were martyred.

Towards the evening, occupying forces carried out setdowns with Sikorsky helicopters. There were conflicts which took place between our guerrillas and occupying forces entering the area on September 30, at 10.00. In these conflicts one of our comrades were martyred after fighting heroically, while one of our comrades was captured by enemy forces in a severely wounded way.

On the same day, at 15.00, our forces carried out action targeting a unit which had been positioned on a hill. Five soldiers were identified killed as a result of the effective hits. Following the action, the Cobra-type attack helicopters bombed the area intensively.

On the same day, at 17.00, a unit of the operation, which was trying to retreat from the area with Sikorsky helicopters, were put under fire by our forces. Two Sikorsky helicopters were damaged, and the number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers could not be clarified here.

6. On September 29, at noon, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation supported by UAVs in Martyr Ferhat area of Amed's Lice district. On the same day, at 19.30, and on September 30, at 04.30, warplanes and Cobra-type helicopters bombed the area intensively. During the intense attacks, four of our comrades were martyred.


October 3, 2017

HPG Press Centre