Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press release

1. On October 23, around 4:30, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the area of ​​Geliyê Masiro in Van. The occupying forces bombed the area intensely and carried out setdowns to the area with 8 sikorsy-type helicopters with the support of 6 attack-type helicopters.

Between 08:00 and 10:30 in the morning, the occupation Turkish army’s attack type helicopters bombarded the area intensely. During the heavy bombardments organized by the occupying Turkish army, our comrade by the name Mawa fell a martyr.

After the bombardment, while enemy soldiers tried to enter the area, there were intense conflicts between our forces and enemy soldiers. After the afternoon, at 14:30 hours, our forces inflicted heavy blows on enemy soldiers. Six soldiers, including one sergeant were killed and six soldiers were wounded in the conflicts.

In this conflict, comrade Roni who fought against the enemy forces bravely was severely wounded. Our comrade Roni fell a martyr by detonating his own bomb in order to not be captured by the enemy.

The occupying forces retreated from the area with the support of the attack helicopters after heavy blows. After a while, the enemy soldiers trying to enter the area again became the target of our forces two times. In the conflict, four soldiers were killed in the enemy unit.

After the effective actions of our forces, the invasion operation in the vicinity was withdrawn at about 17.30 on the same day.

The ID information of our martyr comrades are as following:

Nom de Guerre: Mawa Tori

Name- Surname: Mücahit Akgün

Place of Birth: Iğdır

Mother's- Father's Name: Fatma - Abdulbahri

Date and Place of Martyrdom: October 23, 2017 / Van

Mawa – Mücahit Akgün

Nom de Guerre: Roni Aşkan

Name- Surname: Taner Kaçak

Place of Birth: Van

Mother's- Father's Name: Xalya - Yunus

Date and Place of Martyrdom: October 23, 2017 / Van

Roni – Taner Kaçak

2. On October 24, the occupying Turkish army declared curfew in 12 villages in Mardin's Ömerli district and launched an operation in the rural area. On the same day, around 06.00 am, our forces put under surveillance an operation unit of the enemy.  The enemy unit under surveillance for some time was targeted in close range at 08.00 hours and hit. One soldier has been killed and two others have been wounded in this enemy unit hit effectively. After the action, Sikorsy-type helicopters carried away dead and wounded soldiers from the area. Our unit which carried out the action has firmly reached their base areas.

3. Within the scope of the second phase of the Martyr Bedran Gundikremo and Martyr Nalin Muş revolutionary campaign, our forces on October 25 at 10.15 carried out an action against the Bayê hill in the Gever (Yüksekova) district of Hakkari. One soldier has been identified killed in this action where the enemy's positions were put under intensive fire. After the action, the occupying forces indiscriminately bombed the area with  howitzer and mortar shells.

4. On October 24, at 16.30, our YJA Star forces carried out an assassination action against the Serbend outpost in the Uludere district of Şırnak province. One soldier has been killed in the action.

5. The occupying Turkish army's operation launched in the Esendere area of Hakkari's Gever district on October 23 has been withdrawn without results on October 25.

6. The occupying Turkish army had launched an operation in the Fındıkê area of the Gabar mountain of Şırnak on October 20. The operation was withdrawn on October 22 without any results.

7. Warplanes of the occupying Turkish army bombed the Martyr Rüstem zone in the Zap region from the Medya Defense Zones between 18.50 and 19.30 on October 25.

October, 26, 2017

HPG Press Centre