Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of Martyr Pîroz and Martyr Agirî Revolutionary Campaign, on June 25, our forces carried out an action against the occupying Turkish army soldiers stationed on Martyr Hozan hill in Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova) district.

Eight soldiers were killed and four soldiers were wounded in the action where the enemy's positions on the hill were effectively struck from two arms.

2. Within the scope of the Martyr Delal Amed and Besta Martyrs Revolutionary Campaign, our forces carried out an action targeting a Sikorksy type helicopter of the invading Turkish army heading from Siirt to Van’s Çatak district at noon on June 26. The helicopter was damaged and was forced to withdraw from the area.

3. On June 25, at 11.45, our YJA Star forces carried out an action against a group of invading Turkish army soldiers deployed on a hill between Bitlis' Şêx Cuma and Katıl areas. In the action, where enemy positions and shelters were effectively struck, one enemy soldier was killed and two soldiers were wounded. Following the action, the invading forces launched an operation with the support of Cobra-type helicopters. The occupying Turkish army bombarded the area indiscriminately and withdrew without any result in the evening of the same day.

4. On June 26, at 13.30, the warplanes of the occupying Turkish army bombarded the Martyr Xeyri area of the Zap region in the Medya Defence Zones.


June 27, 2018

HPG Press Centre