Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. The occupation operation of the occupying Turkish army, which was launched on 16 June targeting the Zap region of the Medya Defense zones and actions of our forces still continues.

On July 7, at 14.30, our forces organized an action against enemy soldiers in the Martyr Munzur hill. Three enemy soldiers have been identified killed in the action, where the positions on the hill were hit effectively. Simultaneously with this action, our forces have also targeted enemy positions on the Qela Bêdewê. The number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers in the action could not be determined.

After the actions, the occupying Turkish army indiscriminately bombed the area and its surroundings with heavy weapons.

On July 7, at 7.30, our forces carried out an action against the occupying Turkish army soldiers on the Martyr Xeyri hill. Two enemy soldiers were killed and one enemy soldier was wounded. After the action, the occupying forces bombarded the action area with howitzers and mortars.

On July 8, at 06.10, our forces carried out an action against the occupying Turkish army deployed on the Qela Bêdewê. Two enemy positions were fired on from two sides. In the action, two positions were destroyed and three enemy soldiers were killed.

On the same day, at 08.00, our forces targeted enemy soldiers on the Martyr Xeyri hill. A total of four positions were destroyed, along with an A4 heavy weapon position, and five enemy soldiers were killed.

On the same day, at 09.00, our forces aimed at enemy soldiers moving at the Martyr Munzur hill. Two enemy soldiers were killed in this action. After the actions, the occupying Turkish army  bombarded the area with howitzers and mortars.

2. On July 7, at 08:50, our forces carried out a sabotage action near the Erbo outpost targeting  governor of Bitlis Baykan district and soldiers who providing security for governor. In the action, a vehicle was completely destroyed, and the governor's vehicle was damaged. The number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers in action could not be determined.

3.  Within the scope of the Martyr Mahir, Martyr Eylem and Martyr Argeş revolutionary campaigns, on July 7, at 19.30, our forces carried out an action after putting under surveillance a disguised unit of the occupying Turkish army in Gılidağ and Qêderçavuş regions of Bazid (Doğubeyazıt) district of Ağrı. An enemy position was destrooyed as a result of the effective hits. The enemy soldiers who tried to escape from their positions were also targeted by our forces, and 2 soldiers were killed.

4. The occupying Turkish army is performing ambush activities in, Şaklat village of Karaz (Kocaköy) district, Tilitin Kokanê and Zengilenê villages of Hênê (Hani) of Amed.

5.  In our statement dated July 3, we shared the information that on June 30, the occupying forces launched an operation in the area of Bejiknê village of Amed's Lice district. One of our comrades named Amed, encountered with enemy soldiers and enter into conflict. our guerrillas Amed fighting with enemy forces until evening hours. Comrade Amed has reached martyrdom after detonating his bomb on himself in order to not be captured by the enemy.

The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Amed Zilan

Name Surname: Sadık Altun

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother's - Father's Name: Liveza-Hadi

Date and Place of Martyrdom:  July 1, 2017 / Amed

June 8, 2017

HPG Press Release